Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Early Morning Prayers

So I'm up bright and early this morning - about 6 - I needed to get Cam ready for his Scout Day Camp and also be at the church at 7 to see the young women off to Girl's Camp. And of course, do the dishes and move the laundry from the floor in my room to the top of my bed. I did fold the towel layer in the pile before I headed to the kitchen to make Cam's lunch and clean up. Told you I can be a ball of energy first thing in the morning. It can be annoying.

I'm doing the dishes and I heard kind of a whimper behind me. It's Aaron, standing there, his lip quivering and I can tell he trying not to cry.

"Oh, hey baby. It's so early, you don't have to get up yet...what's wrong?"

"Mom, I just had a really, really bad dream. Will you come pray with me?"

Now Aaron is my 8 year old, my sweet son that we worry about, with his anger and defiance, the one we walk on eggshells around, trying to keep his moods on an even keel. We love him and we worry about him and we love him some more. And here he is, asking me to pray with him. Oh, my heart hurts with love for him.

I gather him in my arms and we go in the front room and kneel down together. I offer a quick prayer, asking for help and comfort, and then after, tell Aaron I'm proud of him for having faith and knowing that he can always ask Heavenly Father for help. He wants to go back to sleep now, all bad thoughts gone, and snuggles down in my bed. My son has a testimony.

It's a good morning.


i i eee said...

Reminds me of when Cameron got baptized, and you spoke about how Aaron told you that you needed to come back and remind him to be good -like after you died or something? Sounds morbid, but I remember something like that.

dishes and laundry said...

Oh yeah, that's Aaron. He also tells me that right after he was baptized he heard the Holy Ghost say "Congratulations, Aaron."

Suz Q Free Tibet said...


sugarbritches said...

Welcome to the world of blogging!!!That is the neatest story!!! I remember my own sweet story of Hillary and her first prayer on her own. Hillary was about 4 years old at the time and she and Ryan (who was 8 or 9) and her cousins played outside at my mom's house when Ryan suddenly ran inside and locked the door. We oblivious adults were talking and didn't notice the kids pounding at the door trying to get in. finally we noticed and let them all in crying. Hillary said, "Oh mom we were so scared but we decided to say a prayer." My heart melted and I looked amongst my sisters swelling with pride. What did you say in your prayer ask I. "We prayed that Ryan would die." oh... I guess we better start doing family home evening and work on praying properly.

dishes and laundry said...

Oh, that mean Ryan! He deserved the Mormom equivalant of a voodoo doll. Good thing her prayer wasn't answered.

heidi said...

Wendy, I love your stories! I'm excited to have another blog to read!

This story brought tears to my eyes - very sweet.