Saturday, July 28, 2007

Free food

I enjoy Sam's Club. Years ago, I got a business membership to buy all the food for my daycare. It allowed me to go during early morning hours and buy milk and string cheese, vats of maple syrup and barrels of pancake mix. It's been three years since I've done daycare, but I still love buying in bulk and stocking up on all the necessities of life. Also the not-so-necessary, but very yummy little things that only Sam's seems to carry - at such a great price.

My boys wanted me to buy the Caterer's Secret Lemon and Strawberry Tarts. They tried some at a friend's house last night and LOVED them, so of course they talked me into getting them to take to my Mom's for dinner tomorrow evening. The only problem is now I would have to go to Sam's Club on a Saturday. Which I despise.

But since I'm a crowd-pleasin' Mama and the fact that I also find the tarts to be delightful, I set out towards Sam's around 1:30. It was a nightmare. I always vow to never again go there on a Friday or Saturday, but ugh, there I was.

I think Disneyland is less chaotic. There was a line of people just waiting to get a cart. Of course, this was when the buffet, I mean samples, were set out. Now I enjoy the occasional sample at Sam's, but we've always laughed at the families that pack up all the kids and Grandma, just to eat a meal that's portioned out in bite-sized servings. These people know how to work it. They stake themselves out by the produce, each person watching a different sample station. When the microwave dings or the skillet finishes browning the chicken cutlet, they motion for the other family members to line up. The little old lady cooking the food hasn't even cut it up yet, but there they are, bunched up and watching, wondering just how big their sample might be. When they get their super hot food, they go back to their lookout spot, and blow and blow, waiting for the next course, er, sample to be ready. Three hours later, they've had a grand meal.

I grabbed my tarts in the frozen foods and headed towards the front of the store to check out. I passed the seafood island where people were grabbing up shrimp morsels as fast as the butcher could put them in a tiny cup with a squirt of cocktail sauce. People smiling, thinking "Score! A shrimp!" I came to a silver cart that had a few boxes of lemony mini muffins stacked on it. It was pushed close to the end of the aisle, no sign telling of the muffin's goodness, no gloved and hair-netted woman slicing and serving. This was maybe for the late afternoon snack. The muffins were clearly not being served at this time.

A man walked over to the cart, lips still smacking over the shrimp, opened the top box, and distributed muffins to his family of four. I guess if it's on a cart with wheels, it's free for the taking.

I hate Sam's Club on a Saturday.

Where do you avoid going on Saturdays?


sugarbritches said...

That is hysterical! I can't believe the guy opened the box! How tacky! When Hillary did her booth at Draper Days, it brought out the moochers in droves. I hadn't realized it would. As we sat there, people who clearly didn't fit the draper profile, not that i do either, but at least I'm clean and not wearing a size 4XL tank top covered with dog hair and no bra, with the entire family, same sort of look. They would go from booth to booth to see what was free. I didn't realize most booths have free stuff like bowls of candy or sample etc to entice people to view their wares. I was selling water for a buck and included a free single serve flavor packet (crystal light, kool-aid, etc) and glow sticks for a buck. All the proceeds went to The Children's Miracle Network. My point is that I wasn't making money for myself but people didn't care, they wanted FREE. The dog-hair family came to my booth and the little tard boy (not literally, just, inbred looking) kept taking glow sticks, I didn't want to fight over a buck so I let him take it, but he kept taking them. I got up and took the bowl of glow sticks from him and said, "just one" he just stared at me slack jawed and kept taking them, "JUST ONE" I said, he kept staring at me and taking more. I couldn't believe it. The enormous dog hair dad finally said, just one, and they left. We saw them again the next day, mooching again!

Speaking of samples, however, when Hillary was still in gymnastics and we would go straight from school to the gym and had about 30 minutes to kill before class started. She just needed a snack so we would go to Costco which, was right next door, before they moved it, and eat samples. It was great. I didn't put any in my purse or open boxes.

Where do i not go on Friday or Saturday - COSTCO -what a nightmare! However, costco isn't as bad as sam's club, they are more organized or something.

dishes and laundry said...

I think that same family was at Sam's!

Unknown said...

Oops!! I sent you an e mail when I meant to post a comment here!! I still hate going to WalMart on Saturdays!!! I'd rather lob off a limb!!
