Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Games we play

Okay, one more quick story and then I am off to Girl's Camp until Thursday night, and then we leave early Friday morning (yeah, right) for Bear Lake. Won't be back til next Thursday!

When my kids were little and maybe even a tiny bit now, I would let them win when we played games. Or pretend that they threw the ball so well, there was no way outta shape Mommy could have caught it. They were better at it than I was, that's for sure. I pretended not to know the answers to the same jokes I told in elementary school. And they were thrilled. They were outsmarting Mom, better at any games, an endless winning streak. Good times were had by all.

I'm currently on a beginning women's tennis league and we have this great coach named Ed. He loves tennis and loves to teach it, and wants our little group of women to excel and become champions in the Fall tournament. His number one rule is Believe In Yourself.

Last week he was hitting the ball back and forth with me and after a few times I suddenly hit the ball over towards him and HE MISSED! Yes!!!! I totally scored the point off of him. I'm not surprised, really. He's an older man and it was only a matter of time before I started wiping up the court with him. I did a little happy dance, but not for too long - I didn't want him to feel badly about his loss. He shook his head in disgust at his own failing abilities, but he's a good sport so he was willing to try again.

Round two, and I got the point again. There's no stopping me now - Ed's just going to have to move me up to the intermediate team. It has to be embarrassing for him to keep missing these shots - who knew I was such a prodigy? Now I'm pulling back my clenched fists and hissing "yes" , asking the other players if they saw me get a point off Ed. Oh, it's hard to be humble when you're this good.

Ed was still up for more punishment, so we started our rally again. Thwack, thwack thwack, thwack, and he misses again! I am so much better than he is! I am thrilled and having such a good time!

Oh. Thanks, Ed.


Elise said...

I made it! Just took me a while to "get an account". I am super excited about your blog, Wendy. I love it already and I don't even have to pay to read it. Keep 'em coming!

dishes and laundry said...

Hi Elise! Good to hear from you. Are you going to make your own blog so I can add your link? Enjoy your company this week.
Love ya!

sugarbritches said...

Holy crap wendy! The Gym? Tennis? What's up? I'm totally impressed by you!!! I always ponder doing these things, yet never do. I'm inspired by you!

i i eee said...

Should I start calling you Venus, or Serena?

dishes and laundry said...

I started the tennis a few months ago and fell in LOVE with it. Overall, I'm just trying to be more active - I have high blood pressure and high cholesterol and it kinda freaked me out.

wahwee said...

They had some doctors on the Today Show talking about how we may be giving our kids too much encouragement and praise them so excessively that maybe they won't be able to handle the disappointmens life brings.

I hope you don't face future disappointment when you realize that you may not qualify to play at Wimbeldon.

dishes and laundry said...

What? But I'm so good already - I thought Wimbeldon was the next stop for me -- NOT.

sugarbritches said...

since all my comments tonight have been, off the subject i will keep it up. what does your sister do on her blog that gives her a big following and makes money? I want that!

ash said...

Way to go Maria Sharipova! I'll come sit in the stands at Wimbledon and watch you play.