Saturday, August 4, 2007

Strange Shopping

I was running around doing some shopping today and I wanted to go to Honk's, a local dollar store. I needed to get some things to put in our trailer that we can just leave there, so I don't have to remember to pack them. Mainly kitchen items, a whisk, serving bowls and trays, tablecloths, etc. I just wanted stuff that would be good enough for camping and I couldn't think of a better place to go than Honk's, where everything is $1.05. I think that 5 cent increase happened in just the last year - it used to really be a bargain before that price hike.
A few things stood out to me as I walked around the store.
  • There were banners and signs all over the store with their slogan displayed proudly:

Honks: Always An Adventure...Always

Is it just me, or does that last Always seem just a tiny bit threatening? I mean, come on, it's a dollar store. We're lookin' for a bargain, just a nice, easy-going shopping experience. What should we be expecting to see and happen?

  • Most of the people shopping there were skinny. Only it wasn't like they were fit and healthy - more like they didn't get enough to eat. Ever. And they were all very tan, as if they spend lots and lots of time outside. I wondered if they were homeless and Honk's is really and truly all they can afford. I feel blessed that I make the choice to go there because I'm cheap, not because I have to.

  • The candy selection is amazing. They have more types of candy than I have even seen. I think all the candy companies do limited edition things and then send the leftovers to Honk's. Did you know that Hershey's had a candy bar that had Whoppers in it? Or that Twix had a triple chocolate deal going on? There were loads of them. I've never seen these in any other store or in a magazine, but Honk's is selling 'em.

  • I found the oddest product. Well, at least for Utah, maybe. Troy used to use a particular brand of hair product that we can't find anymore, so I always look at places like this, hoping to find a discontinued case of it so he'll stop whining about it. So I'm looking in and around the toiletries and I came across a box of Band-Aid brand bandages. For brown-skinned people. Really. They're called Perfect Blend; the sticky part is clear and the pad is very dark brown. Upon closer examination of the box I learned that this series of band aids actually comes in three skin tones: light, medium, and deep. Honk's carries the deep tone. I don't know why, but this just cracked me up. I bought a box.

The boys can wear them, seeing as they no longer require character band aids. From a distance, it will look like a giant, square, brown mole. They're gonna have to really want that band aid to wear these babies.

In the end, I found what I needed for the trailer, but not for Troy's hair. Not much adventure, but I was okay with that. How much shopping excitement can a girl take, anyway?

What is your favorite place to shop for outrageous bargains?


Suz Q Free Tibet said...

I had no idea about the band aids?! How did they come up with the name Honk's? Walmart is about all the adventure I can handle. I guess I better get ready for church...another adventure....

sugarbritches said...

That is super weird about the band aids but it makes sense. what dark skinned person wants this totally obvious tan colored bandaid. However, that one in your picture looks like a dark skinned person who was exposed to carbon monoxide - its sort of a gray brown. My favorite bargain place is still big lots. Honks and places like that still mostly have their own freakish brand. Big lots has most of the close out crap. I am always looking for those dawn dish cloths that have a scrubber on one side and detergent inside and you use and toss. I LOVE those things! But they are expensive so one by one they are no longer carried by any grocery stores. I can't remember everything else I'm always on the lookout for but, thats where I like to go. I like the one on 3300 south and ...highland..? I think? It has furniture etc, good stuff for cheap! The one on the west side isn't as good. I'm embarrassed to admit that when I go to Honks, big lots and stores like that, I always worry that people think I HAVE to shop there. Isn't that so stupid, uppity and condescending?

FutureRN said...

If I can't find it in the store, it's sure to be listed somewhere on e-bay!
I often get a great deal on college textbooks on e-bay too!