Friday, October 26, 2007

Off Track Trucker

Aaaaahh, the kids are off track from school. They love it and so do I. Aside from the obvious delights of sleeping in and staying up later than usual, Aaron no longer makes faces like this when it's time to do his homework:

Can't you just feel his pain?

Instead, he hits the road with the coolest trucker he knows.

It's pretty much his favorite thing to do.

They make a good team.

Troy does all the driving, and Aaron rides along. They listen to Radio Disney on the XM. Aaron knows all the cities they pass, the weigh stations, the truck stops with the "good" bathrooms, and how to talk on a cb. He climbs in the back sometimes, to nap or play a video game, but for the most part, he just rides up front. He doesn't complain or whine about the long drive, he loves the whole experience.

Aaron is 8 years old, a kid with a lot of anxiety and stress in his world. For the past few months, he's been seeing Rachel, a counselor that he adores, to help him deal with the things that stress him out. They do a lot of talking, working on appropriate responses and ways to manage his emotions when he feels anxious or out of control. They've done some deep breathing exercises and visualization - ways for Aaron to relax himself.

Rachel asked Aaron to tell her about the happiest place he could think of. Yes, it feels a little new age-y, Aaron closing his eyes and "going to that happy place". We're going with whatever will help him right now. He chose this. Not Disneyland, not in front of the computer (thank goodness!), and not on the trampoline, though that might have been a close second. Aaron's most favorite place in the whole wide world, his happy place, is inside the semi truck, going over the Bay Bridge in San Francisco.

Troy and Aaron got into S.F. late last night. Aaron had napped earlier in the trip so that he could be awake when they went over the bridge at 2am. He sits up high in the passenger seat, his body and head looking so small inside this gigantic truck. He can see the city, the lights, the ships, the water...and he is happy.

Later, they had to drive through the city, right as the clubs were closing. They stopped at a crosswalk and watched as big groups of laughing girls made their way across the street. The girls saw Aaron sitting up front, wide awake and wearing his trucker hat, and they all pointed and waved at him.

Aaron climbed in the back for another nap. He told Troy to wake him up when they were leaving the city, so he could see the bridge again. He woke right up and climbed back in the front seat at 5:30am. After all, it's his happy place. He couldn't just sleep through it.

I miss him when he's gone. I call and talk to him and he tells me about the things he sees, and we blow kisses over the phone. Troy tells me over and over about how relaxed Aaron is, how utterly comfortable and content he is, in and around the trucks. How he loves going over that bridge. I miss him, but knowing that he is so happy, makes me happy.

On a side note, Cameron hates going over the bridges - so he won't go on the SF trips. Go figure.

If you were visualizing your happiest place on earth, where would that be?


Angi said...

I have several "happy places",
one is my home. I love it here. No matter what's going on in the world I know this will always be my happy place, and the same goes for my kids, hence happy home hideout.

The next happy place is Vernon Resevoir. I love it there. Even if there are a million mormon crickets. Just to be in the great outdoors.

gotta go girl said...

That is a sweet story Wendy! My happy place changes periodically.....When I am away from the children I crave the love and comfort of home and the joy of my children....when I am home for an hour or two I want to get the hell outta there!! By the way, this is Natalie - I have fixed my blog and I am back!!!

BusyBez said...

I don't know how many times I've said this, but I'm sure this won't be my last... I love that child!
My happy place in with my husband. Almost anywhere with his is happy, but I really like the snuggles on colder nights, as we fall asleep. Or maybe holding my baby. That's a pretty happy place.

dishes and laundry said...

Hey Natalie! Glad to see you here.

dishes and laundry said...

Oh BusyBez, you make me cry. And I know that being held by you and Richard is one of Carson's happy places.

Miss AL said...

I also have several "happy places". Whether is is at home, on a beach, or at the zoo,at all of them I am with my kids! Even they drive me crazy sometimes, I am never happier than when I' doing stuff with them. Ok ok there is one happy spot that doesn't involve my kids. That's at a Jimmy Buffett concert when I get to be the kookaloony kid!!heehee

Suz Q Free Tibet said...

My happy place is in bed with alot of covers and comfy pillows and playing footsy with Bri. Knowing the day is done and I can relax.

dishes and laundry said... did I know that would be your happy place?

Hi to Miss Al. Welcome.

wjhans said...

Hi Wendy, It's Wendy! It was so great to hear from you and I do remember you. I remember Kelly too. Natalie told me several years ago that you married a guy named Troy. So did I! Isn't that funny? I also have a son named Cameron. He is almost 14. How is your family doing? I'm not sure if you know or not but Jennifer passed away last May due to complications from Melanoma. She left behind 4 children. A son Joseph 17, daughter Melissa 15, son Stephen 13, daughter Chrystal 10. It was really sad. Jennifer has had a very difficult life and we all feel it was merciful for the Lord to take her. She was very unhappy with her life at the time. Some day I'll tell you all about it. It is complicated. Actually, I think Natalie knows a lot of it so she could even fill you in. Good to hear from you and tell your family hello for me. Wendy Hanson

It"s me said...

My happy place is my moms house. We are really close and her house is always clean and smells of home made things to eat. It just feels like the world slows down there!