Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Calling It A Slumber Party Just Isn't Very Accurate

It's more like a Wide Awake and Laughing So Hard You Might Pee Your Pants Party.

We had the best time. So much laughing, so much eating, so much talking...so little sleep. So worth it.

We had Marsha and Cori...

Janet and Susan...

And me...and Janet again.
Everyone wanted to be by Janet.

Waiter-Man took this picture. I asked him to get a close up, but whatever.

And just because we ate dinner at the restaurant doesn't mean that we aren't going to be eating again.

We changed into our jammies and
got this party started.

Oh stop...STOP!!!

Seriously...she's just too much!

Singing to (swear I'm not making this up) You Light Up My Life by Debbie Boone. Who needs a hairbrush to sing into - we've got water bottles. It's 2007, baby. That song is 30 years old - we knew every single word.

Janet practicing the dance moves to Vogue.

What is she doing???? I'll never tell.

Marsha knows. Bet she won't tell either.

Finally we started feeling a little sleepy. Happy...but sleepy. It was 6am.

We were having so much fun, we didn't want to split up into the bedrooms. We spread out our sleeping bags and pillows, laid down on the floor and remembered "Oh yeah...we're older. Older people need beds. Soft beds."

We finally went to bed around 7am, slept for a few hours, then sat around on the deck in the sunshine (yay for beautiful Fall weather!), drinking our morning Diet Coke and eating tortilla chips and Mexican dip. Still in our jammies. More talking and laughing.

A bee flew over to join the party and ruined my Diet Coke. Stupid bee.

Here's to us - to friendships, to laughter, to giving ourselves this weekend away.

Spice Girls? They've got nothing on us.

Thanks ladies - you rock!!!


Unknown said...

Okay, even though you posted pictures of me that look like they came from a "Revenge of the Nerds" movie, I still love you!! It was THE BEST time!! And I ask you, who needs sleep???????

Unknown said...

How fun! What a great idea!!!

Nora Mair said...

I saw a plate of chocolate chip cookies that look like cori's? I would have ate only them! What a fun time. Thanks for the photos. I'll live through you.

It"s me said...

That looked like so much fun! I love the pic's!

Suz Q Free Tibet said...

I had such a great time! I'm still thinking about it. My only complaint is that it went by too fast.
I love and admire every woman that was there and loved every minute that I had to spend with you all.
("I'll tell ya what I want...what I really, really want.")

pinklady said...

how divine! a night away (even with no sleep) with the girls does a woman some good doesn't it?! so glad you got to getaway and have such fun. a friend always tells me "you can sleep when you are dead" and I AGREE! ;-)

Marsha said...

Girls just want to have fun!!! We had a blast, an all night laughter-asm!!! I'm still laughing and the pic's are fun! I will gladly give up sleep anytime to be with such Wonderful Women!!! "Wise Women & Wild Talk"

dishes and laundry said...

It really was just the best time ever. I hope that everyone can get away like that sometime.

Cori - no way do you look like a nerd -I think you look adorable.

And yes, those were Cori's cookies - good eye, Nora!

What wild talk, Marsha? We were exchanging Family Home Evening ideas. Hehehehehe.