Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Audiophile #2 - Aaron

A year ago, my kids didn't listen to any music. Hannah Montana? Never heard of her. High School Musical? Huh?

But then last spring it all changed. At ten years old, Cameron stopped watching cartoons and became interested in a show on TeenNick called Drake and Josh. Cutie Drake was in a band and the show featured him playing his music. The boys were hooked. They watched and sang along, discovering this whole new world beyond the few Kids Bop cds I used to buy.

Then it was on to the Disney Channel where Hannah Montana aka Miley Cyrus, Cheetah Girls and High School Musical stars roam freely. And if you like them there, wait till you hear them on Radio Disney. Oh my. We listen to it every time we're in the car and every morning during breakfast.

Aaron, in particular, has been struck by how much fun the music is. He knows the words, has a few favorite artists, and enjoys all the bits of trivia and factoids about the singers.

He can tell me all about the Jonas Brothers or Miley Cyrus - how old they are, where they got their start, etc. He knows all the real names of the High School Musical characters and what else they've done. He can name the song and artist after just a few notes.

I was exactly like that, rattling off information about Rick Springfield and Cyndi Lauper, and explaining why George Michael was so much better than Andrew Ridgeley. That Air Supply was from Australia and how Prince and Madonna were just misunderstood and I should be allowed to listen to them. How I wasn't paying attention to the words...I just liked the beat. And...

Whoops, this is about Aaron.

He loves all of the Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus music. Loves. It.

The other day a song came on and I asked Aaron,

"Is this Miley Cyrus?"

"Mo-om!" His voice dripped with duuuhh. "You don't have to say her whole name. All you have to say is Miley. She's the only one. Just say Miley and I'll know who you're talking about."

Okay then. She really has arrived.


The other morning at breakfast he was listening to the duet that Miley and her Dad (Billy Ray Cyrus from Achy Breaky Heart fame) sing. Miley had some background vocals going on and it was perplexing.

"How does she do that?"

"Do what?"

"Make her voice go double at the same time? I can't figure it out."

"Well, honey, that's why she's a star!"


But here's the thing: I am loving this music too! It probably helps that Zac Efron and Drake Bell and Corbin Bleu and the Jonas Brothers are so darn cute, but the music isn't half bad either. The Miley/Billy Ray duet makes me tear up a little, and I can dance all over the house to the Cheetah Girls and the Jonas Brothers. Hannah Montana rocks!

I'm enjoying the same music as my kids. I mean, really enjoying it. Sometimes I find myself listening to Radio Disney and the kids aren't even in the car.

So does this make me a cool Mom or is it weird? My parents never ever listened to the same stuff I did.

Did yours?


Amber said...

My parents NEVER listened to the music I did. I remember vividly one time when I was humming a "Shaggy" song (I know, naughty) and my dad over heard me. He asked, "what are you humming?" I have no idea how he knew the song, but in a very disappointed voice he asked, "and what's that song about?" fully expecting an explanation! I was in TROUBLE. And I wasn't even living at home any more- I was home visiting from college!

Angi said...

My mom listened to my music and I listened to my dad's. And now I can sing along to all the 60's 70's and 80's and 90's. And Brent who grew up in the 70's is quite surprised I know the songs he loved. My
Spencer loves alot of the 70's, he's an old soul in a young body. But I am glad we can all relate in some way.

Mrs. J said...

I am so glad to know that someone else (aka another grown up) likes Hannah Montana too. I really like the Disney kids. Just don't tell too many people.

Suz Q Free Tibet said...

I like to listen to (disney)what my kids are listening to. I am also interested in who is dating who type stuff.

I have a friend that likes to make fun of me "Oh, here we go again with the Hannah Montana!" she says.
I laugh...cause I know I'm a dork.

I am worried about when my kids become teenagers...will I like their music then?...

dishes and laundry said...

Amber - I'm laughing that your Dad could tell that a song you were humming was naughty!

Angi - when I got older and started listening to 103.5, I got to know the 70's songs - I love them too.

Raimee - At least you have daughters - should I be worried that my boys like HM so much?

dishes and laundry said...

Suz - it's your daughter that told me who HM was!

The only thing that I worry about Radio Disney is that some of the songs seem rappish - so will the kids gravitate to that sound when they get older?

Suz Q Free Tibet said...

I worry about that and also when the Disney stars get older like Britney Spears and what Vanessa Hudgens did. I don't expect them to be perfect but man...taking nude pics of yourself?

dishes and laundry said...

Oh yeah...we might have passed a note, or had a friend ask a guy if he liked us. Now, they email naked pictures of themselves to let the guy know they like him. Crazy!

Elise said...

I just saw Miley Cyrus on Oprah today, Wendy, and I loved her! I liked both of the songs she sung and I thought immediately of this post.

I love oldies, because that's what I heard when I was young. My dad had a 24 cassette set of the "Golden Oldies" we'd listen to on all our road trips. And my dad liked alot of my music later on...I remember him making me make copies of my Bob Marley cds.

dishes and laundry said...

I just watched that Oprah with the boys. Isn't she cute? Miley...not Oprah.

It's fun to have this in common with the boys.