Friday, December 7, 2007

I Dare You to Watch This

I went to my foot doctor on Wednesday to get another sclerosing alcohol injection. I got this one so close to the last one, in the hope that we can eventually shrink the neuroma (swollen nerve) into non-existence. I wasn't having much pain, this was just more of a preventative measure. Also, I've hit my medical deductible, so this injection is lots cheaper than the one he wants to give me in January.

And I captured it on video for you. Now you'll all know just what I've been complaining about. I'm pretty sure the doctor thinks I'm wacko, but that's just the price a blogger pays.

The video is spectacular, it really is, though if needles bother you in the slightest, please sit down before watching.

But definitely watch it. Definitely sit down.

The thing that he's holding up to my foot at the beginning is something to help deaden the nerve. It taps it really hard - feels like a little pinch - and that's supposed to make it hurt less. But it also looks like it breaks the skin a tiny bit. Maybe it's a quick injection of something, I don't know. It gets really good when he brings the needle in.

Are you ready?

Huh? Huh? How was that? Feeling queasy? Take a few deep will pass.

It didn't bother me when it was happening, but whew, seeing it play back is something else.

Okay, to be honest, it did hurt tremendously 2 times - but even then, not for longer than a second. The rest of the time, even with all the moving around, angling to get at the nerve, and all the in and out, it didn't hurt, I promise. This doctor is good with the needle.

Afterwards, all three of the middle toes went numb and there wasn't any pain at all. I went out to my car, hoping I wasn't walking funny 'cause I couldn't feel my toes. No pain in the ball of my foot. That's what makes the injections worth it.

Today, the bruise doesn't look too bad, I guess, but the numbness has worn off and the injection site is really tender. I'm limping. That should go away in a few days, and then I'll be really pain-free, as the nerve continues to shrink. Overall, my foot is doing great.

Isn't it pretty?


Unknown said...

Yikes. I just figured the shot was a poke, then inject. It had to be painful when hew was moving it back and forth.

Mrs. J said...

Okay I have to know who filmed this. Were you sitting there with your camera because if you did you were very steady through this all. Who did you rope into filming?

dishes and laundry said...

It was me! If I'd had anyone with me, I'd have made them get super close up - and not have so much of the good doctor's crotch in view. I didn't even notice that until after.

It"s me said...

Yuck Yuck. I have this serious issue with needles. EWWW. I am lightheaded. I think I need to go lie down.

Angi said...

I had a stomach twinge, so I couldn't watch the video. I hope your foot starts to feel better soon. I hate it that our bodies aren't completly perfect.

BusyBez said...

I'm LOL about your "good doc." comment. I totally thought about the unfortunate angle as I was watching!
I'm so sorry you have to go though that sweetie! You're a brave soldier. And a WONDERFUL blogger.

Suz Q Free Tibet said...

Okay...Bri and I just saw it!

Bri says, "No way...heck no...I ain't goin into no doctors office...I'll wait for my toes to fall off!"

I love my husbands english....

Brandi said...

You NEVER disappoint me! That was the best blog entry ever. Honestly, where else can you see someone you know get all these weird procedures done? Like I said, you never disappoint.

dishes and laundry said...

I aim to please, hehehe.

The older I get, the more of these procedures I seem to be having.

The next thing I'm hoping to document is the extraction of Aaron's giant blackhead. I'm not kidding. If you've seen him, you know what I'm talking about. A dermatologist has to do it!

It"s me said...

So my Hub just watched your movie... and he thought it was soo cool!! But he likes stuff like that.

Amber said...

I'm definitely queasy (Jake spells it "queezy"!) and I'm usually not weak in the stomach when it comes to medical things. Better you than me- you have a good sense of humor about it!