Wednesday, January 2, 2008

So What Should My New Year's Resolution Be?

A short quiz about me in 2007:

1. How many times did I go to the gym?
A. 150
B. 200
C. 319

2. How many hours did I spend online, namely blogging and reading other blogs?
A. I limited myself to one hour per day. I used a timer to keep it in check.
B. Maybe two hours per day - but only after the laundry was put away.
C. You do NOT want to know. I don't want to know.

3. What television shows did I watch a full season of?
A. Dancing with the Stars
B. The Biggest Loser
C. American Idol
D. The Office
E. Moonlight
G. Grey's Anatomy
H. The Closer
I. Oprah
J. Ellen Degeneres
K. Lost
L. How I Met Your Mother
M. The View
N. Rescue Me
O. Private Practice
P. Desperate Housewives
Q. The Riches
R. House
S. The Singing Bee

4. How many times did I watch High School Musical and High School Musical 2?
A. Never heard of it.
B. Just was okay.
C. Again, you do NOT want to know.

5. How often did I read my scriptures?
A. Every morning before I even get out of bed.
B. I tried to read with the boys at bedtime, but sometimes we were just too tired.
C. Twice a month.

#1. The answer is C. Yes, I went to the gym 319 times. What I wouldn't give for that number to be 320 - the oddness of the 19 is driving me crazy. Can I just say 320? Thank you. In my defense and to squash the feeling that I need to get a life, that number includes every time I went there to play tennis or go swimming. Even I'm rolling my eyes.

#2. C. I got my laptop last Christmas, and that was around the time that I discovered all these blog thingys on the internet. They were begging to be read. Then I started Dishes and Laundry in July and 129 (curse those odd numbers) posts later...the hours spent online...I'm ashamed.

#3. T. I attribute this to the fact that my television watching was severely limited as a child. Just making up for lost time. T is also the first letter in Tivo - the very thing that makes all this television watching possible. Here's to Tivo.

#4. C! Okay, so I have this little thing for Zac Efron. And cheesy yet catchy music. Plus my kids like it and I'm trying to be a hip, cool Mom. Plus, there's my Zac.

#5. C. Yeah, twice a month. And that was when I was teaching in Young Women's. I taught twice a month, and therefore read my scriptures twice a month - the ones listed in the manual. You know, so I was prepared and all.

I'm sure you can guess where this is heading, resolution-wise at least.
To be continued...

Until then,

What did you spend entirely too much time doing in 2007???


It"s me said...

I spent way too much time in front of the TV. I was reading your TV show list and I was like... take out this one but add this one...

Its sad but I can't plan anything important on Thursdays because there are like 50 million shows on that I watch.

I also spent way too much time complaining. I seriously feel bad for Ben. I don't know how he puts up with me.

Hey way to go with the 319 times at the gym. I went towards the end of the year.. but then stopped for like 3 weeks. But I am back on track. One day and counting! he he he

Oh and dishes... Never be ashamed of how much time you spend blogging. I love to read your blog. Never stop!!!!!

Angi said...

I spent too much time spending too much money. One thing I am really good or bad at it. (depending on who is reading).

I also spent a lot of time cleaning my house. Even though it never stayed clean. This year I am not going to worry so much about it. I'll clean, then make everyone leave! Tee Hee. Not really.

One thing I didn't do is spend enough time with dear friends. That will change this year.

Wendy, you rock for all the great things you give us to think about on each of your wonderful blogs. Keep up the excellent work.

Happy New Year!!!

Suz Q Free Tibet said...

I'm with angie and leila,
Keep Bloggin'!

319 times at the gym...holy smoke! (I bet in 2008 you will make it a even number)hee hee.

I'm so afraid to make new year resolutions. Because then I will have to stick to it. I know I need to though....

Mrs. J said...

I spent way to much time with school. At school, at home doing school, on vacation shopping for things to do at school, surfing the internet to find things for school. It has to stop.

I also spent too much time in front of the TV. I guessed T as your answer because I saw all of those quality programs and new that none of them should be missed.

Way to go on the 319 times at the gym. That's like 3 T-shirts. ( I hope you collected.) And almost an entire year. It kills me that you kept track. :)

dishes and laundry said...

We're calling it 320, remember????

And actually the computer at the gym kept track. There's no way I could hit that number again! I should have collected those darn t-shirts.

Thanks for the kind words. I've just been feeling guilty for the amount of time that I spend on my physical self, my bloggity self, my lazy self, etc., and so little time on my spiritual self.

Nora Mair said...

Good luck choosing. I always put the BOM right by the table so I can read during breakfast and lunch. It doesn't always happen but proximity helps...Costco truffles on the highest shelf in the basement storage...