Monday, February 4, 2008

Movie Quote Monday

Good morning!

Starting of with a short little quote from a movie that was HOT HOT HOT in the year I graduated from high school. In college, my roommate Valerie and I thought that a guy in our ward resembled the character from the movie and repeatedly said (behind his back of course):

"Hey Goose you big stud!"



Amber said...

It's gotta be Top Gun!

Here's mine:
H: Check out the buns on that one!
L: Yeah, he must work out.

Jodi said...

Totally Dumb and Dumber!

Here's mine (this one is from one of my top five all time favorite movies EVER... fyi)

"Twenty-five seats, given to orphans. Perfect. Now my nightmare is complete."

dishes and laundry said...

Finding Neverland - I was named after Wendy in Peter Pan!

"Courtney, this is not a democracy, it's a cheerocracy. I'm sorry, but I'm overruling you"

Christy said...

Bring It On

Here is mine:
Hmm... Murdered by pirates, a heart torn out and eaten, meet Victoria... Can't quite decide which sounds more fun...

Mrs. J said...

Christy yours is from Stardust. Loved the movie!

Here's mine

Our love fern! You let it die!

No, honey, it's just sleeping.

pinklady said...

(hee hee)mrs j: the answer is how to lose a guy in 10 days...LOVE THAT MOVIE!

here's mine:
"I don't know how I could've been so ignorant about myself... so... so stupid. and you know what I'm talking about, don't you? you knew before I did."

pinklady said...

hint: it's a new movie that is still playing in theaters...

dishes and laundry said...

Atonement - And it's nominated for a load of Academy Awards too. I haven't seen it...but now I'm intrigued. Is it a good show, Pink?

I thought of my quote after seeing a superbowl commercial yesterday. It's not from a movie that played in theaters, but it's a movie nonetheless:

#1: There's something I've got to tell you.
#2: Yes Michael?
#1: I'm not like other guys.

Suz Q Free Tibet said...

Dishes....The 80's...and to be...Thriller!!

Here's mine:
"I understand just now the deepest beauty."

Hint:All the "snow" we have.

dishes and laundry said...

I'm stumped - give us another clue!

Suz Q Free Tibet said...

Sorry....been at taekwondo.

snow falling on something.....

dishes and laundry said...

Completely baffled. I give up, LOL.
Tell us the movie, Suz!

Suz Q Free Tibet said...


Snow Falling on Cedars.

Night, Night!

dishes and laundry said...

You win, hehehe.

Night night...thanks for playing everyone!