Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tagged Again

My friend and frequent commenter on Movie Quote Monday, Pinklady, tagged me last week. So just in case there's anything else I haven't already told you...

Ten years ago I was: 29. Cameron had just turned one and I was happily immersing myself in Mommyhood. Seriously, I was having the time of my life with him. I worked at the sign company (part owners) just 2-3 days a week and my sister, Kelly watched him for us. I was Young Women's president in our ward. We were finishing all the paperwork to adopt another baby, and I was getting excited to open up our adoption with Cameron's birthmom. I was happy with my weight (this is significant only because I can pretty much tell you my weight and pants size at every age, also what diet I was following. There have been fluctuations.) and I was doing a step class 3x a week. I was trying my hand at scrapbooking.

5 things on my to-do list:
1. I need to clean out our storage room. This will still be on my list a year from now, just wait.

2. Make a dentist appointment for Troy. He says something's brewing in his mouth, and that's not good. I think I'm still paying on his last dental bill.

3. Continue building up my food storage. The boys call it the grocery store in the basement.

4. Catch up on my tivo. I'm waiting for Troy to be home so we can watch American Idol and Lost together.

5. You know there's some laundry to fold. That is the absolute first thing on my list today. Okay, after I'm done blogging. And after I get back from Sam's Club. And after I do some dishes. Maybe I'll get to it.

3 bad habits:
1. I'm too critical of myself.

2. I let the waiting-to-be-folded laundry pile up. Oh, you probably already know that, so that doesn't count.

2. I spend what we earn in a paycheck to paycheck kind of way. Getting better on that one.

3. I correct Troy's grammar. I can't help myself. He replaces the word loan with borrow, as in "Will you borrow me your nail gun?", and it's like fingernails on a chalkboard until I blurt out the correct phrase. I think he's just doing it to bug me.

If I suddenly became a billionaire: I'd be debt free, with awesome savings and retirement accounts. My family would be debt free. Missions and college would be paid for. That doesn't even touch it, does it? I need to start dreaming bigger.

Things I like to snack on: Well, is it a healthy day or an I don't care kind of a day? If it's a healthy snack, I like blueberries, edamame, and Baked Tostitos Scoops with Walmart brand Peach Pineapple Chipotle Salsa (don't knock it till you've tried it). But I can eat an entire bag of those chips and a whole bottle of that salsa at one time, so that kind of crosses it off the healthy side. If I'm throwing all calories to the wind, I love ice cream, chocolate, chips and dip or salsa, and Flamin' Hot Cheetos. I have no portion control and I need to balance the sweet with the salty.

Places I've lived: Speedway, Indiana - you could hear the racecars going around the track; Salt Lake City, Utah, then on to Sacramento and San Jose, California, and then back to Utah.

Things people don't know about me: I've never had my nails done. I still have a baby tooth that never fell out. That's it...I think I've told everything about me. If there's anything you want to know, go ahead and ask.

I tag Mrs.J and Nora.


pinklady said...

you may think you've told us everything but clearly you haven't...I learned something new!

thanks for playing a long!

Nora Mair said...

What's with the three bad habits? You listed 4... Is that being a little critical? (#1)

You tagged me??? I've never been tagged.

dishes and laundry said...

Go, Nora!!! Copy and paste my post onto yours and then kind of fill in the blank with your own info. I look forward to reading all about you!

Unknown said...

Wendy...I'm dying to see that cute little baby tooth!!