Monday, March 31, 2008

New Game - Come and Play!

Last week, after I passed on Movie Quote Monday again, my sister-in-law, Elise, suggested a game called Movie-Actor-Movie. Super easy (I think), super fun (I think), and everyone should join in (I think)! Definitely everyone should play.

Here's how it goes --
Start with a movie: Grease

Next person commenting names an actor/actress from that movie: Olivia Newton John

Next person names a different movie that the actor/actress was in: Xanadu

Actor: Gene Kelly

Movie: Singing In the Rain

Actor: If you can't think of another actor/actress from Singing In the Rain, you can call End & Run of 5 (or however many links we got), and then throw out a new movie for people to play off of.

Anyone can end it and start with a new movie - but it will be fun to see how long we can go.

Does that make sense? Just link the movie to the actor to the movie to the actor to the movie to the actor and so on. Is this how you play it, Elise? Hope so...this will be the Dishes and Laundry version.

So...I'll start with a movie that has a lot of actors to go with:




Elise said...

This is exactly how you play it. Hope you didn't feel pressured to play this game!

And my answer is Steve Martin

dishes and laundry said...

Nope - I appreciated the idea!! Love it.

Little Shop of Horrors

Mrs. J said...

Rick Moranis

Amber said...

Honey, I Shrunk the Kids.

Dishes, what in the world are you doing posting at 4:22 AM?!!!

i i eee said... I really supposed to know the names of the actors in Honey I Shrunk the Kids, other than Rick Moranis?


But I go with a similar strain:


Elise said...

Sigourney Weaver

i i eee said...


dishes and laundry said...

This is from Troy:

Bill Paxton

Mrs. J said...

Apollo 13

Jennifer said...

Tom Hanks

(sorry, I know it's going to be hard now!)

dishes and laundry said...

Toy Story
(I was hoping someone would say Tom Hanks, just so I could put an animated film down!)

Jodi said...

Tim Allen.

What a fun game!

Suz Q Free Tibet said...

Wild Hogs.
I like this game.

dishes and laundry said...

John Travolta!

Anonymous said...


Right? I still haven't seen the movie, but I'm pretty sure he was in that!!

dishes and laundry said...

We had a run of 11! Woo Hoo!

This was fun - thanks again, Elise, for the idea.

We'll play again next Monday.

Amber - I don't know why my computer said 4:22am..I was most definitely not up yet!

Cori...go watch Hairspray!!!!