Tuesday, April 22, 2008

For Your Viewing Pleasure Horror

In the continuing saga of my foot...

My workout shoes were feeling like they needed to be replaced, plus they were looking kind of dingy after wearing them all winter. They were size 7 Avias. If I'd been smart, I would have bought another pair of size 7 Avias, but I was enticed by a cute pair of New Balance crosstrainers.

In the store they felt fine, very cushion-y and supportive, and they seemed wide enough to not squish the bones in my delicate feet. So I bought 'em.

Within a week or two my foot started hurting. Sigh.

Now I've had New Balance shoes before and didn't have a problem, so maybe it isn't really the shoes. With the warmer weather I've been doing more, walking Oliver, the occasional game of tennis, etc. Maybe it was a combination of the two. Whatever it was, the foot was in bad shape.

Since the past has taught me nothing, I waited a few more weeks just to make sure that it wouldn't go away on its own. Now the nerve was visibly swollen and my toes were spreading worse than ever. I was hobbling around and complaining to my family. I needed another shot.

I made an appointment with a new podiatrist- the last one was so freaked out by me taking the video, I wasn't sure he'd see me again. I sat in the waiting room and visited with a 90 year old World War II vet. He was funny and he kept calling me young lady, while he told me stories about the ships he served on. The waiting room was decorated in a nautical theme and I think that's what got him going.

A white-haired woman moved past with her walker.

More old people, some brought in by their own grey-haired children.

When the nurse took me back I asked her if I was the youngest person she'd seen all day.

"Oh, definitely. But last week we had a fifteen year old in here - he'd been injured."

I have the feet of old people.

The doctor took some x-rays just to see how bad it was. This isn't my x-ray, but it could be - except mine is worse. See all that lovely space between the other bones, where, I don't know, nerves could comfortably rest? And see how the bones are touching inside the circle? That's exactly where my neuroma is, only it looks like my bones are actually chipping away at each other. The doctor asked if I'd had some sort of trauma to my foot. Nope, just me walking on it, hehehe.

The nerve between those bones is so swollen that it pushes the toes apart in a permanent deformity.

So here's the plan:

We're going to manage the pain throughout the summer with the injections. Surgery to remove the nerve rarely works - nerves can grow back, painful scar tissue, bad recovery time - but possibly, if I'm still having the pain coming back in the late fall, the doctor wants to do a nerve decompression. He'll cut down through the top of my foot and clip the ligament that's holding my bones so darn close together. That oughta do the trick.

He'd do the clipping now, except that summer is coming up and he wants me to enjoy it. I can still play tennis. Plus, like all the other doctors, he's hoping that a few more shots will make it go away. I hope so too.

So here's my most recent shot. It hurt so bad - but he wondered if previous injections had not been deep enough and long enough - and he was making sure to go very deep and very long. Whatever that means. All I know is that it hurt worse than any of the other shots I've ever had.

I think I say that every time.

I was bending forward to video it and I had a "birthing a baby" grimace on my face. As he injected the cortisone and alcohol into the nerve, I could see my toes spreading farther and farther apart. They grew longer and it felt like they were going to literally pop off my foot.

When it was over I sat back and exhaled. I must have looked pretty bad - the nurse ran to get me a drink and told me to stay put until I felt better.

I suggest that you do the same.


Angi said...

Ok, I could not watch the video, I will take your word for it, being all that you said it was. I got sick just looking at the picture.

Hope you are back to good soon.

Mrs. J said...

Ouch! How have you been able to do all that you have been doing on that foot?! I am such a baby that I am laid up for a week if I even stub my toe.

The Peake Family said...

OH my gosh!! How can you walk out of the office? All I can say is WOW, you go woman! Hope this works and you dont have to have surgery..

dishes and laundry said...

The pain from the shot and the regular pain was GONE after about 5 seconds - there's a ton of anesthesia in that shot - thank goodness! My foot was numb for a few hours, sore for just a day or so, and now I'm fairly pain-free. I'm babying my foot (can't put any pressure on the ball of my foot and no real hard impact things like running) and hoping to keep it from coming back. The last shot lasted almost 4 months.

Suz Q Free Tibet said...

Having worked out with you...I have a whole new apreciation of your dedication to be as healthy as you can. When we are in a difficult pose or stance and my foot will start to hurt, I look over at you and wonder how it must make your foot feel?

You are my IDOL!

pinklady said...

I finally watched it...you poor girl! it looks so painful. the shot and the toes in general. so glad things are looking up though. let's hope this shot works for a LONG time.

i i eee said...

Poor Wendy. :(

I'm a little behind on your blog. I feel so bad for your poor little foot.

Maybe the other podiatrist didn't like the video, because even though your foot steals the show, it's a total crotch shot. Hahhahahhaaha.

Jillybean said...

Glad to hear the shot is working:0)

It"s me said...

So my husband loved the movie... I thought I was going to pass out... You are so brave!!! I am sorry about all your foot issues... I am glad you still get to play tennis!