Monday, October 1, 2007

Movie Quote Monday

A few weeks ago, at a family reunion, my brother-in-law, Tom, and my sister-in-law, Natasha and I were sitting outside reciting movie quotes to each other. Maybe it was because it was so late, maybe it was because the mosquitoes had sucked so much of our blood that we were light-headed, I don't know. But we were laughing our heads off. Yeah, probably the mosquitoes.

Anyway, I'm going to try a new feature here today - just a little something to keep everyone else away from their dishes and laundry too. Introducing...Movie Quote Monday! (And the crowd cheers. At least some of them do. The rest are exiting out and saying "Oh crap...I hate games.)

For those of you left, here's how it goes. On Monday morning, I'm going to post a movie quote. If you can identify the movie and who was speaking, leave it in a comment along with your own movie quote from a different movie. Then readers will identify your quote. Sort of a movie quote tag. There could be several quotes in play at one time, depending on fast everyone is. And I get to play too.

(Oh, and the management appreciates the prudent use of asterisks to represent foul language, if your quote happens to contain any. The beginning letter and some asterisks will do just fine. Thank you.)

So here goes. I think I've started off fairly easy. Your first movie quote is:

"I really love Rudy. He is totally enamored of me. I mean, I've had other men love me before, but not for six months in a row. "

Thanks for playing!


Unknown said...

Sixteen Candles....the airhead, beautiful sister says it to Molly Ringwald!! And Rudy is the greasy bohunk fiance!! Okay, um...a quote from me...hmmm.

" you smell something?"

pinklady said...

AWESOME game! This is the first time I've commented and I can't even remember how I found your blog.

Darn, I wanted to be the first commenter but Cori beat me to the answer. I'm not sure of the answer for her quote so I'm just going to leave one of mine...

"I gave her my heart...she. she gave me a pen."

dishes and laundry said...

Blss you, Cori and Pinklady - I was worried that this was a lame game. Thank you for commenting!

Cori, yours is from Ghostbusters, Bill Murray. I'm guessing on the Bill Murray part.

And Pinklady, welcome - glad to have you here! I'm guessing (okay, cheated - I looked at your profile and chose a movie off of your favorites), is it Say Anything with John Cusack?

The quote I leave for Cori's is "Screws fall out all the time. The world's an imperfect place."

And for Pinklady: "Let's get out of here before one of those things kills Guy."

Good luck

Unknown said...

Wendy...I had to look it up, darnit!! But I do love Breakfast Club!! Also, Ghostbusters!! I couldn't think of anything else!! Can't wait for next Monday!! Also, Pink...I LOVE "Say Anything"...awesome quote!!

Unknown said...

ooo, I love games. I don't know the most recent quotes, but I can't wait for next week.

Angi said...

Okay I'm in....I have a hard time with quotes, my kids on the other hand, watch out.

Here's mine,

"It was like, magic."

Unknown said...

Angi, is it "Sleepless in Seattle?"

Suz Q Free Tibet said...

I think they all have been guessed so will leave most favorite of all time!

"Look, you've got no arms left!"
"Yes I have. Arthur: Look! Just a flesh wound!"

Welcome Pinklady! I love this game!

pinklady said...

Thank you all for the warm welcome! Unfortunately, I have to admit my lameness...I had to look my quote up and then (lame again) admit I haven't seen Galaxy Quest.

Oh boy, this is the BEST game ever!

Angi, I second Cori's guess of "Sleepless in Seattle"...are we right? Good one! (useless trivia, I live 5 minutes away from the houseboat from that movie)

Yes, my quote was from "Say Anything" which just about ROCKS as the best movie ever (my humble opinion of course)! I realized after I wrote the quote that the answer was on my blog but, oh well, that was a gimme for you, this one is MUCH harder so good luck!

" know those days when you get the mean reds?"

dishes and laundry said...

Suz: Monty Python and the Holy Grail!

Angi, I'm stumped - that's a hard one!

Pink: I's Breakfast at Tiffanys. Tell you what, if you watch Galaxy Quest, I'll watch Breakfast at Tiffany's

dishes and laundry said...

Yikes, it's 11:30. I'm off to bed. No more quotes for me. (yawn)

This was fun - can't thank you enough for playing along! Be thinking of some new quotes to add for the next installment of
Movie Quote Monday! Love you guys!

Kristine said...

I totally missed the game.
Dang IT !!
Wendy, what a good idea.
It will be something to look forward to on Mondays.
Good Job, Ladies.

Angi said...

Yeah, Cori / pinklady, it IS Sleepless in Seatle. The BEST movie ever.