Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Sock It to Me

Cameron has his share of quirks too. The main things that we've had to deal with are the issues with clothing. If he had his way, he'd wear only his boxer briefs. The boy is hyper-sensitive to tags, sleeves, necklines, fabrics, and anything else you can imagine. The socks are the worst. We've been working with the sock problem for about 5 years now.

It all started in Kindergarten, after a summer of never wearing socks. When he put them on again, it was unbearable. The seams. THE SEAMS!! The way he carried on, you'd have thought they were stitched with barbed wire. And they were too puffy - they bunched up and hurt his feet. The drama, the tears, wailing and gnashing of's too short for unhappy feet, so we fixed the problem by throwing money at it.

Seamless socks are a bit pricey.

At first I was buying them online, but later I found that Nordstroms carries them. The seam is hand linked and is virtually nonexistent. They are thin and packed with Lycra, so they cling to Cameron's feet like a second skin. He loves them. They are the only type of sock that he's worn for the past 5 1/2 years.

They run about $3 a pair.

When I see it there on my screen, that doesn't seem like much, but it really does add up. I might pay that much for my socks, but I'm not growing out of them and they can last me for years. And in comparison, I buy Aaron's socks by the dozen and it's only $5.

About a week and a half ago, I made my way to Nordstroms on a quest for more socks. I must point out that I have never purchased anything for myself there. For Cam, however, I bought 10 pairs of those seamless socks and paid $33 with tax.

He was thrilled. He kissed me and thanked me, cleaned out his sock drawer, tossing all the old and making room for his wonderful, new socks. He treats them like gold. He is very aware of how much they cost, as I have been known to make him aware.

Last night I looked down at his feet. His brand new socks were looking a little shabby. Grayish. Droopy even.

"Cameron, what's up with your socks? Are those your new ones?"

"Yeah. I threw all the old ones out. These are the same ones I wore last week and all this week. That's why they look kinda dirty."

"What do you mean? Why aren't you changing socks? I bought you ten pairs!" I totally resisted the urge to add "and paid $33 for them."

"I'm keeping them nice. I'm only wearing one at a time. I'll wear another pair when these are ruined. They'll last longer that way."

"Um, okay. But let me know if your feet start to itch."

And that's how my 10 year old boy thinks.


Kat said...

This is to funny. I mean I knew that Cam had issues with the socks but let him know he just caught up with my kids and theirs. I have fought them wear the socks until they fall apart for years. I truly have seen how bad they can get. If Kevin hasn't worn the same pair for a week inside and out. Chris is tromping around my yard in his without shoes. I have wanted to pull my hair out for years and I have been waiting for the announcement that their feet have officially fallen off!!!

We all share the socks to btw.. so when I come upon a pair of slightly discolored very worn looking socks.. I keep digging. Maybe that is why I am so fond of running around barefoot.. hmmmm =)

wahwee said...

Isn't your quest to find the perfect sock like a Seinfeld epiosode with Elaine and Mr. Pitt? Funny one. Funny boy.

dishes and laundry said...

Aaahhh, I don't know that episode! What's it about?

And Kat...time to buy you some socks of your very own! You deserve it.

Angi said...

Hey, I can relate. I have this problem x 4. Spence, can only wear thin socks that have a 1 1/2- 2 inch band. Con, can only wear very short almost hidden sock,and for a long time I could only find them at the gap, no ifs ands or buts. Then there is my honey. YEP, he makes sure they have not been touched by the boys or he freaks. I love shorty in the cool weather and long in the cold and none in the summer.

Unknown said...

That is so sweet of him to care about making his socks last longer, and so responsible as well. I'm always yelling at Reece from down the street, "I better not be seeing you running around in your socks right now!!!!"

BusyBez said...

Cute! What a sweetheart he is. What wonderful boys you have, dear Wendy.

Kat said...

Your right Wendy.. I have started to buy my own socks.. But the sock gremlins in my house find my socks far taster then the boys.. so mine disappear and I am still stuck digging through the sock basket for a pair I can wear =)