Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Polyp Update

My gastroenterologist's office just called with the lab results for my one lone polyp. It's called (They named it! I didn't know I could name it. Sigh.) a tubular adenoma and it is the type of polyp that is considered precancerous. Tubular.

Note: It was NOT cancerous yet, it's just that it will become cancerous. Someday.

The lady said that since they took it out, I wouldn't need to go back for another 5 years - which was when I had to go back anyway, even if I'd never had my newly named little polyp.

"Um, I'm okay if you want to see me sooner than that."

"No, five years is fine."

"Maybe in a year?"

"Really, they took it out. You're fine. We'll see you in..."

"I just want to stay on top of it."

"Five years."

So I trust that they know more about this than I do, but still. What if I grow another one next year - it just gets to keep on growing for 4 more years, until I get another scope?

And sure, Dr. P. is the best at what he does, but...

Have you ever wiped off a table and left a few crumbs?

Vacuumed a room and missed a spot?

Switched the laundry over and left a sock in the washer?

Tweezed your eyebrows, only to have a brand new hair sprout up OVERNIGHT?

Yeah, me too.

Pretty sure I'm not going to wait the whole five years.

And here's my PSA again: Get a colonoscopy. It doesn't hurt, you get good drugs, and possibly Cafe Rio afterwards. Do it.


Kat said...

Now you have me paranoid Wendy... THANKS =) bad polyp gone... deep breaths

wahwee said...

I don't blame you. A lot can happen in five years. But, I think that is pretty standard. Plus, think of how much better the testing will be in five years. Maybe then they can do it with an x-ray and then I will (maybe) have the nerve to schedule an appointment.

I am a bit young yet, but since it does run in my family, I am banking that those that have had polyps will take away my odds of getting them. Make sense? Does to me.

dishes and laundry said...


Angi said...

I knew that hitchhiker looked ominous. I am glad that they sent him packing. Now you can relax, for another 4 years and 360 days. ;-)

Unknown said...

I would go back in a year! I'm glad they caught it when they did.

Tesia said...

Hey sorry about that bad comment, I'm just as confused as everyone else. I changed the password and haven't been leaving my computer on (since Brandon sorta took my internet router away, no point). It's seemed to have helped. Well, all this looks fun...(not). Surgery is scary. I snicker that you took your camera in. I don't think people that work there see that much. Too funny.

KCK said...

Also had my colonoscopy this week--clean slate. Even so, doctor wants me back in 3-5 years. When they found a polyp the first time though, he wanted me back in two years...Hmmm...

dishes and laundry said...

See! I'm going back sooner.