Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Crack House

Do you know what World of Warcraft is? Me neither. Okay, I know a little.

I believe it's also called WoW, however I refer to it as World of Warcrack, giving a direct nod to the totally addictive nature of the game.

The word "cracking" has even become a little pop-culture phrase at our house.

"What is Dad doing?"



"What has Cameron been doing while he's off track?"



"Where is Aaron?"


One word says it all.

While I don't understand everything (anything) about the game, I have picked up a few things: There are different characters that you can play, each belonging to a different group. The Horde consists of the Tauren, Trolls, Orcs, Blood Elves, and of course, the Undead. The Alliance is Gnomes, Humans, Dwarves, and Night Elves.

Your character(s) can go on quests, earn gold - which is the currency for doing pretty much anything, do a dungeon - whatever that means, advance levels, earn new weapons, pets, clothing and armor. You can also purchase a mount, which is the thing you ride on. It's good to have something to ride on - otherwise you have to run everywhere, and that takes too much time.

It was a big day at our house last weekend...Troy had enough gold to purchase a Fying Mount. Can you imagine the excitement? A freakin' Flying Mount!!!! Seriously, the boys were giddy, and by boys, I mean all three of them.

For Troy to have the 1000 gold needed for the FM, is practically a miracle. The boys are always begging for Troy to send their characters some gold so they can buy stuff. He also pays them in gold for various chores. For example,

"Cameron, will you run upstairs and get me a Diet Coke?"

"I will if you send me 5 gold."

You can play the Crack by yourself, on teams, and with strangers over the Cracknet. The game sucks you in and rewards you with upgraded armour for playing so many hours in a week. It's all about the armor, trust me. When Troy can't manage to get in his own hours...the boys will play his characters for him. For some gold, of course.

Troy is a Level 70 Tauren, Warrior Class, with Merciless Gladiator Plate Armor. His name is Kellekk. He wears the Cloak of the Inciter, the Belt of the Soul Saver, and the Choker of Bloodied Feathers. He is a skilled leatherworker, making and selling various leathery things to earn his way in the world. Of Warcrack.

Cameron is a Level 67 Blood Elf, Hunter Class, Mail Armor. His name is Rraith. He specializes in mining and engineering, and spends his free time riding his Wolf Mount. He's also skilled in Beast Mastery, and has a Snow Leopard (named Glacier) for a pet.

Aaron is a Level 13 UnDead, Warlock Class, Cloth Armor. His name is Corrack, and he mostly runs around looking at the scenery. His pet is a Fire Imp named Zepgup. Corrack also dabbles in mining and blacksmithing.

Most of the time, Aaron just likes to play Troy's character, and ride the Flying Mount. We use it for a reward/bribe, as in,

"Aaron, if you let us clean out your ears, you can ride on Daddy's Flying Mount."

It's shameful, how much cracking is going on at my house.

They. Are. Addicted.

Oh, and the game never ends. Expansion packs, you know.

On the positive side...

  • it's something they do together, and they really, really have fun
  • it's less expensive than things like hunting (I think)
  • the boys can type pretty well now
  • they watch practically no television, which
  • leaves me in control of the remote


  • who can resist a high ranking Tauren with a Choker of Bloodied Feathers, riding around on a Flying Mount? Hmmmm?

What hobbies do you or your family indulge in?


Suz Q Free Tibet said...

Oh Wendy....I'm laughing out loud right now. What a great post!!

I think I am addicted to your blog....

ash said...


I had no idea the World of Warcrack really existed I thought it was an "insiders joke." Mentioned on sitcoms and you tube....

Wow....WoW (ha, ha!)

BusyBez said...

Richard has been wanting to try it out together, because he knows it would be o.k. for him to do alone. Big fights ensue about everyother month over the addictive gaming. I REALLY feel like a widow sometimes. And he just doesn't see why it bugs me. Some how the ranting isn't getting through.
Now on our third year of marriage, we are starting to give a little to eachother, which is helpful and nice.
Other "hobbies" around our house is watching lots of t.v.

Kristine said...

Hmmm, eating is the only full-time hobby we share.
Some part time activities include Karaoke, Guitar Hero, Dancing with the Stars and American Idol.
Wendy you are one lucky Wow Woman.
Your armour wearing, sword weilding guy is quite a catch.
Do YOU get to ride the mount? HEHE

Angi said...

Spencer has a game called age of empires. He can play with a group or alone. He is way addicted.

Brent and I have a game called 5 crowns it is way addicting. And we play it alllll the time.

Connor has his texting. He is crazy about it.

Other things we are addicted to are: chocolate ice cream, Rumbi's and motor biking.

Kat said...

I have never heard of Wow in all my life.. what shameful behavior. Troy, Cameron, Aaron I am shocked and totally appalled that you would spend very moment you have cracking!!!!!

And who who could be worse then Kellekk Tauren Warrior of the west.. how about Mooada Tauren Druid of the East.. who gave the whiny warrior his last 150 gold to help buy his FM which she personally doesn't need cause she can shape shift herself into a bird.. however her sister Jazana the level 70 hunter has a deep apparition for the FM and it really was pitiful watching Kellekk running around on the ground below her like a ant.. did I mention I never heard of Wow before =)

Nora Mair said...

Wow! We've found a new card game called For Sale. We also love Ticket to Ride.

Shauna said...

I was thinking how patient you must be because that is something I haven't been able to put up with and then I read your "positives" to it. Ok, I see why it can be a good thing.
My husband used to be totally into that stuff but no time now.