Monday, December 10, 2007

Movie Quote Monday #11

Good Morning!

Thought I'd start things off with a little:

"John Connor gave me a picture of you once. I didn't know why at the time. It was very old - torn, faded. You were young like you are now. You seemed just a little sad. I used to always wonder what you were thinking at that moment. I memorized every line, every curve. I came across time for you Sarah. I love you; I always have. "



BusyBez said...

I would guess that quote comes from one of the Terminator movies. John and Sara Conner are the dead giveaways.

FYI, this is the husband of BusyBez, I highjacked my wife's laptop.

Now for my quote:

"I propose to discover a world much like our own in a parallel universe."

"That is heresy!"

"That is the truth."

pinklady said...

busybez husband: the golden compass (I think?)

here's mine:
"I find the key is to think of a day as units of time, each unit consisting of no more than thirty minutes. Full hours can be a little bit intimidating and most activities take about half an hour. Taking a bath: one unit, watching countdown: one unit, web-based research: two units, exercising: three units, having my hair carefully disheveled: four units. It's amazing how the day fills up, and I often wonder, to be absolutely honest, if I'd ever have time for a job; how do people cram them in?"

Unknown said...

Pinklady, yours sounds like something Hugh Grant would say! I think I say that every week!! It's not Two Weeks Notice, is it?

Here's mine:
"Not porno tongue. Church tongue."

dishes and laundry said...

Wedding Singer! Troy and I had that very discussion when we got married.

"Only one thing in the world could've dragged me away from the soft glow of electric sex gleaming in the window."

pinklady said...

dishes: a "christmas story"...CLASSIC and an annual must-see for my family!

cori: you were right, it was hugh grant but in "about a boy"...good guess though! both great movies.

here's another:
"Oh, come on! You've never seen Cool Hand Luke? Paul Newman? Oh my god! Come on! "Failure to communicate", sadistic cop with sunglasses with no name, who reminds me of you in that way."

dishes and laundry said...

There you go again, Pink, stumping us with a John Cusack movie, LOL. My sources tell me that is from the movie Seredipity.

I saw him on The View last week and thought of you.

" Now you wouldn't believe me if I told you, but I could run like the wind blows. From that day on, if I was ever going somewhere, I was running!"

BusyBez said...

Sounds like Forrest Gump.

"Hey, what do you say we both be independent together, huh?"
"You wouldn't mind my red nose?"
"Not if you don't mind me being a dentist."
"It's a deal. "

Suz Q Free Tibet said...

Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer. Love it!

Here's mine:

"Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?"

Brandi said...

"It's A wonderful Life"
(OK. I cheated....I am ashamed. I just wanted to participate. I really did know the quote if I just would have thought about it.)

"I'm pretty sure there's a lot more to life than being really, really good looking. And I plan on finding out what that is. "

BusyBez said...

Sounds like zoolander. Hilarious movie.

"Shake and Bake. That just happened."

Mrs. J said...

Sorry Busybez I don't know yours. I even tried to cheat and it didn't help. But I want to play so here is one.

Did you like the opera, dear?

It was so good, I almost peed my pants!

She said she liked it better than Pirates of Penzance.

dishes and laundry said...

Is BusyBez's from Talledega Nights?

Give us another hint!

Raimee's is Pretty Woman
(didn't even have to cheat!)

"I don't know why we have this room, but there's food, water, a bed, gas mask, Russian language books."

BusyBez said...

Dishes you got it.
I don't know yours, so it's still in play.

dishes and laundry said...

Here's another from the same movie:

"Penny Lou Pingleton, you are absolutely, positively, permanently punished. You will live on a diet of saltines and Tang, and you will never leave this room again."

BusyBez said...

Can't believe I had to cheat on this one. Must mean I need to watch it again, and again, and again.

Hairspray, with Wendy's crush, Zac Effron.

"Sorry your mom blew up Ricky."

Mrs. J said...

Busybez yours is from Better off Dead

This one I am paraphrasing a little.

Your going to be on Santa's naughty list forever.

Good! Naughty list people have more fun

dishes and laundry said...

another hint?

Mrs. J said...

Tim Allen, Martin Short

dishes and laundry said...

Is it Santa Clause 2, where Martin Short is Jack Frost?

dishes and laundry said...

Whew...10 o'clock and time for bed. Did I get it, Raimee, or did you stump us?

Great game! Thanks for playing!!!