Monday, January 21, 2008

Movie Quote Monday Is Back!!!

I've been missing it too - just had to bring it back.

Rules refresher: If you know the name of the movie that the quote comes from, put it in your comment. Feel free to name the actor or any other bit of trivia or memory from the movie. Along with your answer, throw out a new movie quote for someone else to guess. Keep it clean - using asterisks is appreciated. If we're stumped, we may ask for a hint. This is open to everyone - join in the fun!

I liked this quote because it gives a nod to the return of Movie Quote Monday.

"Punjab, buy out the 8:00 show. Let's all go to the movies."



Elise said...

I think it's Annie!

Here's mine:

"Friends listen to Endless Love in the dark"

ash said...

Happy Gilmore

Here's mine:

V: Your parents are probably wondering where you are.

J: Nah. I mean I'm already pregnant so what other kind of shenanigans can I get into?

pinklady said...

YIPPEE, can I just say how excited I am to have MQM back, dishes!

ash: it's "juno!" really, really, really GREAT movie! (ps: I love the word shenanigans.)

here's mine:
"I can't have a baby because I have a 12:30 lunch meeting"

Jodi said...

I had to jump in... I'm a friend of Ashley's and I love MQM! I totally know it... it's JUNO... my new favorite movie!

Here's mine:

Worrying about your kids is sanity, and being that sane... can drive you nuts.

Jodi said...

I jumped in too late... pinklady yours is Baby Boom I think.

dishes and laundry said...

Hi Jodi!! Glad to see a lurker come out and introduce themselves. Welcome!

Spanglish - a good Adam Sandler movie.

"Imagine! My little girl... regular, at last."

Nora Mair said...

Dishes, I'm stumped. But can I add one that my kids have been saying...

"Excuse me, You're biting my butt!"

dishes and laundry said...

Nora...that's Madagascar. We had that tivo'd for a while and it was the go-to movie of choice for many months.

Here's another quote from mine:

"And now it's time to say goodbye to our very own fun-lovin', free-wheelin' little Brenda.
Come on up here, Brenda. Brenda will be taking a leave of absence from the show. How long are you gonna be gone, Brenda?

Brenda: [smiling nervously] Just nine months."

Angi said...

Is it hairspray?

Here's mine,

All my greatness I owe to my ancesters.

Jodi said...

Dishes- yours is totally Hairspray! Such a fun movie!

Let's try this one:
"What did I do to deserve this? I've never lied, except when neccesary, and I always bought mom and dad expensive gifts... using their credit card of course."

dishes and laundry said...

Hairspray is right.

Jodi, it's High School Musical 2. I showed it to my boys and they both knew it. We love HSM around here.

Angi, yours is still in play. I'm completely it Mulan? Probably not. Give another hint.

Suz Q Free Tibet said...

Angi- Is is Meet the Robinson's?
(I'm totally guessing...I don't want to do a new quote if it's not.)

dishes and laundry said...

Okay, Angi's stumped us and hasn't come back to give us a hint. I'll throw another one out just to keep things going.

"If you'll notice the arterial nature of the blood coming from the hole in my head, you can assume that we're all having a real lousy day."

(Angi, come back!)

Suz Q Free Tibet said...

Waterworld? It was on the other day.

Here's mine: (This is for Troy)
"Leave the Gun, Take the Canoli"

Troy said...

It is the Godfather.

Here is mine.

"Tell me what you've been doing busy little bee or I shall strike down those dearest to you."

Troy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mrs. J said...

Troy I think yours is from Gladiator.

Here's mine. Glad to see that MQM is back!

Bless me Father for I have sinned. My last confession was... well. Anyway, I have sorta a technical question. I've been having bad thoughts, really bad thoughts.

Of an impure nature?

No, No, I want to destroy this man's life, career everything. I want revenge. Now on a sins scale how bad is that? Can I Hail Mary my way out of that?

Angi said...

Okay, here's a hint the movie is out right now. And I love Angelina Jolie's father in this movie.

Angi said...

Raimee's is runaway bride.

Jodi said...

Angi... is it National Treasure?

In case I'm right- here's one from one of my all time faves:

Better a silly girl with a flower than a silly boy with a horse and a stick.

It's called a lance. Hello?

dishes and laundry said...

Angi's has got to be National Treasure 2...right? I haven't seen it, but the Jon Voight clue was key. Cori (who sometimes plays along) thought of it - but I couldn't get a hold of her. Yay Cori!

Here's another:
"Oh, berries! What a splendid present!

Be cautious. You are holding the bad color.

This color attracts Those We Don't Speak Of."

Suz Q Free Tibet said...

The Village!

Here's mine:
"It's been 84 years...I can still smell the fresh paint. The china had never been used. The sheets had never been slept in...."

Suz Q Free Tibet said...

Sorry Jodi! I just saw yours.
A Knights Tale...That Heath Ledger is cute!

(I will keep my previous movie quote in play.)

Troy said...

It is Titanic. Awesome movie.

Here's another.

"Damn, that's fast!"

dishes and laundry said...

TITANIC!!!! I bet I've seen that movie (or parts of it) a dozen times. We have it on VHS - it comes in two parts, so you have to put in the second tape halfway through.

"I'll tell you what I'm doing. I want to buy eight hot dogs and eight hot dog buns to go with them. But no one sells eight hot dog buns. They only sell twelve hot dog buns. So I end up paying for four buns I don't need. So I am removing the superfluous buns. Yeah. And you want to know why? Because some big-shot over at the wiener company got together with some big-shot over at the bun company and decided to rip off the American public. Because they think the American public is a bunch of trusting nit-wits who will pay for everything they don't need rather than make a stink. Well they're not ripping of this nitwit anymore because I'm not paying for one more thing I don't need. George Banks is saying NO!"

Troy said...

There are two quotes in play. Wendy told me I'm being bad, and not follwing the rules.
Good hell.

Mine is.
"Da**, that's fast!

Elise said...

Wendy's is Father of the Bride.

Mine is:

"You are the chosen one."

(Dan supplied this quote)

Elise said...

Dan has a correction, the quote is really, "You were the chosen one"

Unknown said...

Is the "chosen one" quote from The Matrix?? I'm trying not to cheat today!! It's so unlike me!

I don't know Troy's quote. I gasp at the language!! ;)

My quote for the day is being provided by Layne:
H: I can't believe they're trying to kill me! This is a new thing for me!

I: It happens to me all the time!

Troy said...

This is from Cam.
Dan's quote is
Star Wars Episode 3

His new quote is:
"Let the lord of the Black Land come forth! Let justice be done upon him!"

Troy said...

Here is a hint for mine.

My hint is the person that said it is in the Titanic, and its a western.

Jodi said...

Troy- yours is The Quick and the Dead (with help from my husband)... I've never seen that one!

I don't know Cam's so I won't throw a new one out.

Troy said...

Cam is giving a hint.
It is from the 3rd movie. Each movie is about 4 hrs long on DVD.

dishes and laundry said...

Time's up. Cam is a little smug about stumping everyone - he asked me what he won.

His movie was Lord of the Rings 3, Return of the King.

Dishes and Laundry had a record 82 visitors today!! Way to go!

Thanks for playing - great game everyone.