Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad

32 years!!!!!
Yes, my parents were married on Valentine's Day, which I always thought was very romantic - an entire holiday centered around them.

They had a whirlwind romance: He lived in California, she lived in Utah with her two daughters, (the youngest of which was particularly sweet) and they were set up on a blind "date" phone call. One phone call led to another and then another and then another. This was before free weekend minutes and unlimited long distance. It was a full-price long distance romance.

I hate that I don't know more specific details (help me out, family) about how it all came together, but the next thing we knew, they were getting married. And I really hate that I don't have one of their wedding pictures to put up - it was the 70's, so you know it's good.

But check them out now - don't they look amazing? And they are in love. It's the real deal, hand-holding, door opening, good-bye and hello kissing, I made you a cherry pie, I gassed up your car for you, let's take a walk together, flat-out adoring kind of love.

How cute are they?
Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad. Thanks for your example of a happy marriage, of care and concern, of respect and romance, and true, true love.
May we all be so lucky.


i i eee said...

Uncle Bob saw Dad walking down the street and said, "How'd you like to meet your wife?"

Or something like that.

Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad! And Merry Christmas! :D

dishes and laundry said...

Yeah, they were standing on a street corner together or something - but how did Dad know Uncle Bob?
And did they ever even meet in person before they got engaged?

Elise said...

I thought Dan told me that Uncle Bob was your Dad's Young Men's leader.?

Happy Anniversary, Don and Linda!

i i eee said...

That's the first time I've heard that!

I thought it was through business somehow. Or maybe through Church, but I don't recall anything about him being Dad's Young Mens leader. That's weird.

dishes and laundry said...

I'd never heard that either. Wait - they would be too close to the same age for that to be it.

dishes and laundry said...

Okay, I think I remember.

Janice's parents were in Uncle Bob's ward, so Bob knew Larry when he married Janice. That's it. Bob met Dad at their wedding and then when he saw him on the street years later, asked him if he wanted to meet his wife.

Does this ring a bell for anyone?

Elise said...

I gave Elise bad info. Sorry. This is Dan.

pinklady said...

oh, how sweet is that story? congratulations and many more years of such adoring love!

happy valentine's day!

Lulu said...

Oh, how the story changes with each retelling. I guess I should set the story straight. Or at least how I've been telling it.
Nancy and Bob did live in the same ward as Dad's family and Bob was indeed one of Dad's Young Men leaders. (It wasn't called Young Men then. Something like M-Men.) But it was about ten years later that Bob saw Don in downtown Salt Lake, recognized him, and said, "Don Colton, are you married yet?" Don, who wasn't sure who this man on the street was, answered no. And Bob responded with, "Well, how would you like to meet your future wife?" He then went on to tell Don that I was Nancy's sister and that I was a single mom with two little girls. Don, who was working in California, had come home to Salt Lake prior to leaving on a three-week business trip to Europe. That was in October. He told Bob he was dating someone but he'd think about it. And apparently he did, because when he got home, he called Bob for my phone number. He called and asked me out the day after Thanksgiving (which is the next time he would be home.) We went out on a double date to dinner and a movie on Friday. On Saturday we went to the last Utah Stars (I think that's what they were called) game before they became the Utah Jazz. On Sunday he broke up with the other girl. On Monday, he took me and Kelly and Wendy out for pizza. And then he went back to California. There were a few letters but mostly phone calls. When he came back to Salt Lake for Christmas we got engaged. Originally we planned to be married in April, but Don kept wanting to move the date up. (Maybe it was the phone bills.) Anyway the date was finally set for Saturday, February 14, Valentines Day. (There were 50 marriages in the Salt Lake Temple on that day.)
The marriage was pretty low key. Instead of a reception, we had an open house the night before at Nancy's home. Unfortunately, there was a snow storm, and when I went to the airport on Friday afternoon, to pick him up, I learned that the plane had been unable to land and had gone on to Denver. The open house went on as planned except without the groom. He finally arrived around 10:30 that night. I guess you would call it a whirlwind courtship.
I heard an interview with a woman who had been married some 40 years and she was asked the secret. She said, "My husband makes me laugh." I can also say that. I can add that he's slow to anger and quick to forgive. And he's the most generous person I've ever known. And romantic. As much or more than when we got married. Am I lucky or what?

dishes and laundry said...

Hehehehe! So Dan was right! Rachel was right, and I was a little bit right...

Thanks for the "real" story, Mom.

The most surprising part was the YOU drove to the airport! I don't even do that!

I would love to hear Dad's version of the story...what he was thinking, etc.

i i eee said...

Ha! Dan WAS right! Hahaha! How funny.

Suz Q Free Tibet said...

I luv it! Best blog story. Thanks for sharing. (I need to go kiss my husband now.)

Elise said...


This is Dan.

dishes and laundry said...

LOL LOL Okay can be the keeper of the family stories - but first you have to get your own commenting identity!

i i eee said...

Well their moniker does say "Elise & Dan" so it probably works just fine.
