Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Bike Ride

Okay, so this happened over two weeks ago, but it's still pretty relevant (in my mind at least) and I'm still pretty proud that I did it.

I went on an organized cycling event - the Salt Lake City Century. Never in my wildest dreams or imaginings would I have thought I would have/could have done something like this. But I did, and it was so dang cool.

I didn't do the whole century (100 miles) - I wanted to start off in this world of cycling with baby steps - so I rode the 36 mile option.

Everything about this ride was perfect - it was a beautiful, sunny day, mostly flat roads, and I only almost got killed once. Dang people in cars thinking it would be hilarious to scare little girls on bikes.

The ride was easy-breezy and I could have gone farther (I so wanted to!), but it was Aaron's birthday and I couldn't spend all day on it. Seriously, spinning classes at the gym are harder - the only thing giving me the slightest discomfort was the seat. Overall, I had a blast.

Troy, of course, drove me to the starting point and was taking pictures. Don't I look like a real cyclist?

Troy wanted to know why I wasn't buckling up my helmet for pictures.

I showed him.

A buckled strap + smiling = double chin issues.

Getting ready to start. Actually, I'm saying a quick prayer that I won't fall, have a flat tire, or get lost.

And we are off! That's my friend, Tamra, riding behind me. Her jersey is so much cuter than mine - plus it matched my socks. She wouldn't trade.

We rode and rode and rode, 17+ miles, and came to the first rest station. To my complete surprise, Troy had driven there and was waiting to cheer me on, pack me up if I needed it (he's secretly surprised that I can do this), and take pictures.


I found a couple of the teachers from the school. That's Mrs. J. in the middle - she's the one who got me started in all of this. They rode the 76 mile option!

Back on the road. Troy kept driving ahead and taking pictures. Tamra's laughing at me 'cause she knows that taking my hand off the handlebar scares the living daylights outta me. But I just had to pose, ya know?
And let's be honest...could there be a less flattering angle? Bent over and riding, I look like the Michelin Tire Man.


We rode and rode and rode some more and then it was over. Final stats from my computer thingamajig: 37.7 miles in 2 hours and 50 minutes, max speed 23 mph, average speed 13.5 mph, and a whopping 1260 calories burned!!! Take that, Michelin Man!

We were smiling and I felt energized and just plain thrilled that I had done this. And then I was HUNGRY! Troy took me to Subway and I ate a foot long in less than a minute.

All in all, it was the perfect first riding event. I'd do it again in a heartbeat...and Troy even wants to do it with me next year.
In comparison...this is me after a 37+ mile bike ride:

And this is me last summer after my first tennis match:

Biking is easier. At least on flat roads, in sunny, springtime temperatures.

Coming up this Saturday: The Little Red Riding Hood Bike Ride. I'm planning on doing 80 miles. Woohoo!!


pinklady said...

I am super impressed! biking and me have a love/hate relationship...I love to ride and get places really fast but my bike seat hates my tush and makes it hurt real bad. :-)

Elise said...

I think you already know I think you are a super-star but in case you forgot-YOU ARE A SUPERSTAR!

Way to go! You look awesome and I'm so impressed and proud!

And 80 miles?! I get tired driving 80 miles...

Mrs. J said...

Way to go!
You look great. I didn't smile that big after my first big ride. I think I was green and had bugs in my teeth.

Amber said...

Go Wendy, go Wendy, go!!!