Wednesday, July 23, 2008

11 year old Scout Camp

Last weekend, Cam headed off for his very first overnight scout camp. Troy was able to go along (did a little dutch oven cookin') and they had a wonderful time.

There was bacon. Lots and lots of bacon. Cam fried up 3 lbs. (!) for 8 people.

Little bit of hiking.
And some geocaching, which was Cam's favorite part.
Knife sharpening,


At least I think this is whittling...

Campfires and midnight flashlight games, sleeping in a tent with your buddy, knives, knives, knives, and getting dirty, makes for one happy boy.

It's crazy to think that in about 5 months he'll be holding the Priesthood, passing the sacrament, going to Young Men's, etc. Love you, Cam!


Angi said...

Yeah Cam! Oh and Wendy keep a loaf of bread handy for the "FORGOTTEN" Sundays. We have to bring a loaf almost 2-3times a month. Not complaining, just haven't been able to get anyone used to a rotation of who should bring it.

Plus, next year he gets to be gone for an entire week at scout camp. That's a hard one.

dishes and laundry said...

I've heard that about the bread! Yes, a whole week will be hard. I bet he'll love it though.