Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring Haircut

Ollie got groomed today, and with tip and nail grinding (as opposed to just nail cutting - hey, nothing's too good for our pooch), it came to $50. Spiffy scarf and the expression of anal glands is included, and that right there makes it all worth it.

Aren't we brilliant to get a dog the EXACT same color as our carpet, so if he ever were to shed it wouldn't be very noticeable? But Schnauzers don't shed, which is one of the top reasons we got him.

That is one handsome dog, even if they did cut off a little too much of his beard.

Ollie's been having some adventures lately. He's become a part-time truck dog, traveling around with Troy in the semi. He likes sticking his head out the window, curling up on the bed for long naps, and watching the world from the front seat. Troy likes the company.
But we miss him when he's gone. We've thought about getting a second dog, one that Troy could take along all the time, but then those $50 grooming fees remind us that it's probably not the best time to own two dogs. Besides, Oliver would be sad that he wasn't the truck dog anymore.
And who would want to make this little guy sad?


i i eee said...

He's looking spiffy!

Ollie could never replace Jeffrey, but I think he's found his own special place in our hearts. He's a great dog.

dishes and laundry said...

You said it exactly. Sometimes we feel bad for Oliver - those are some pretty big pawprints to fill. But he is a very good dog and we love him lots.

Amber said...

You're back! I've missed your witty posts!

pinklady said...

what a handsome little devil!

Shauna said...

What a nice looking dog! This is a type of dog that I would love to have one day, especially since they don't shed!