Friday, June 6, 2008

He's Got a Point

In the first few minutes of Sacrament Meeting, Cam was irritating me to no end by poking at Aaron, teasing him, and generally being a pest. I'd had enough.

"Cameron!" I hissed, in my best chapel whisper, "You are 11 years old - now act like it."

"Mom," Cam shot back with a smile, "I promise, this is exactly what 11 year old boys act like."

Well played, Cam. Very well played.


Elise said...

Haha! He's so right! And that picture, I can't believe how much older he looks. Can't wait to see you guys!

Unknown said...

Great come back. Michael subbed his Sunday school class last Sunday and was very impressed by how quick witted he is.

dishes and laundry said...

Um...did he really say "quick-witted", or did he say "smart-alecky"?
Cam enjoyed Michael too.

KCK said...

Cam, you're way too smart! Woe be unto your family as you become a teenager!

Great comeback, I have to admit, though!