"Why aren't you blogging about my handwriting anymore?"
Geez, give the kid a little online fame and all of a sudden he can't get enough.
So, as per Aaron's request, here's a quick update about his, um, handwriting and homework. Just in case you've been wondering.
The tears and drama (from him, not me) over his cursive practice have mellowed into annoyed acceptance. He's still not happy about it, but at least he's not crying, yelling, or throwing things.
He's agreed to do his homework at 7 pm every night. He usually lets out a tortured cry when it's time to get down to business, but it's quick and then he'll start working.
His weekly homework load consists of a math page, spelling/word sorting, times table practice, two pages of cursive practice, and nightly reading. In my perfect world (ha!), I'd have him do everything that he could on Monday - just blow through the math and cursive pages all at once and be done with it for the week. Then all he'd have to do for the rest of the week is run through his flashcards and read every night. Simple! Instead, and because this isn't my perfect world, Aaron will just do a small part of each page every night.
I also wish he'd do his homework right when he gets home from school. It would be so much better (I think) to just get it out of the way and leave the rest of the day and evening to enjoy ourselves. Instead, it feels like we're just waiting for the "yucky" part of the day to happen. It kills our evenings, but he's pretty adamant about waiting until 7.
Why, oh why can't he see the wisdom of doing things my way????
Spelling/Word Sorting
One nice thing...Aaron has decided he likes to lie in bed and do his reading. It makes for a quiet, relaxed end to the day. He's also enjoying reading more than he ever has - which of course, makes my heart soar. He and Cam climb into bed around nine (honestly, it's closer to 9:20)and start their reading -- Aaron will read for an hour if I let him. So yeah, he's not getting to sleep at a good time for an 8 year old, but he's doing lots and lots of reading.
So I guess there's still progress and improvements to be made - though really, I'm the only one who seems bugged by the current state of things. And it's all such a huge improvement since September, I'm just grateful. Ultimately, I'm trying to keep things going smoothly, happily, and without the tears. Baby steps.
Cameron had a brush with a heavy homework load this week. He's missed school for three days with strep throat, and being the over-zealous helpful Mom that I am, I brought his work home for him to do. Seriously, is it a blessing or a curse that I work at the school?
Anyway, I gave him all the work that he'd missed and just the sight of it reduced him to tears. Head on the table, shoulders heaving - it seemed so overwhelming, stacked up like it was. But he slogged through it, and it took him maybe an hour plus some reading time. He admitted that it wasn't too bad after all.
And I thought that with having only boys, we'd skip the drama. HA!
So that's the homework update for mid-December, 2007.
Aaron will be pleased.
Would you rather do something [that you disliked] a little at a time, or all at once, just getting it over with?
All at once. I like to get the junk out of the way so I can enjoy my time. For instance cleaning the house... I wait until it is a swamp of clothes and dishes.. and then I clean the whole thing at once.
my first response is all at once. but then I think of the reality that is my life and I'd have to say it's probably a mix. I'd rather things be ALL done and then I can relax with my diet pepsi, super oreo cookies and watch my tv program with a clean bathroom and the smell of pinesol in the air...HEAVEN!
I am an all at once. Because if I leave it I can hear it beckoning me to come back until it's done.
I'm all at once too.
Can you imagine going to the dentist and getting only a few of your teeth cleaned - and then going back the next day to clean a few more? Ugh.
So when will Aaron catch up to this way of thinking? Or is it a male/female thing?
I try so hard to do a little at a time but it always ends up being all at once.
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