Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Prettiest Fruit

The Pomegranate.

Are you a fan?
I am.

See all these glistening orbs,
plump with the tangy-sweet juice?

They're called arils.

And I think they are beautiful.

My sister Rachel brought a bowl of these beauties as an appetizer on Thanksgiving. I'm pretty sure I ate most of them. They're only in stores until January, so I've been treating myself every time I go grocery shopping. 'Cause grownups deserve treats too.

Don't be intimidated about opening up the pomegranate. It's easy and sort of fun. I like the tactile nature of certain foods, and the pomegranate satisfies. Just score the peel like you would an orange, and then it will break easily into sections. See how the arils pull away from the membrane?

Submerge the section in a bowl of water and gently push the so-full-of-juice-they-are-ready-to-burst arils away from the white membrane. The seeds will sink and the membranes will float.

Ooooh, I picked a good one.

Succulent and sweet.

Gleaming globes of juice.

(And crunch)

Okay, I'll admit that the seed will put off some people. But just crunch it up and think of all that healthy fiber. Plus, pomegranates are unusually high in polyphenols - a form of very potent antioxidants. The polyphenols are tannins, anthocyanins, and ellagic acid.

But whatever.

I like them because they are tasty, tactile and totally tempting.


With their bright color and angular lines, they look like rubies.



Do you?


pinklady said...

I've actually never had one but I belive you've sold me on trying it. grocery store here I come!

Angi said...

These are my boys favorite December treats. I got them on sale 2/1.00 this last time. I love them and try to sneak a few from each boy.

It"s me said...

I love them! I think they are beautiful and crazy to eat. My sis in law makes this yummy fruit salad with fresh pom poms (thats what I call them). Anywho... I have also discovered this yummy pom and mango juice from target. You should try it.

Mrs. J said...

These were my dad's favorite treat. He loved them and we always had them at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Russell had a tree at his house in St. George so we had them all of the time when we were first married. Me, I have never really liked them. Can't argue with taste.

BusyBez said...

Love pomegranates! Mom made us eat them in the bathtub the first time because they can stain. My sister and I still laugh about it and have made our significant others experience the fruity the tub.

Nora Mair said...

You have such a good camera, what is it? I love this fruit too. I had some in a feta greek salad yesterday. Yummo!

dishes and laundry said...

Nora - my camera is a Sony Cybershot. I got it for my birthday this past year. It has the macro focus which is my favorite feature. I can take super close up shots!

And yes, the juice does stain! You should have seen my countertops after I took those pictures. I should have done it in the tub. My boys told me to quit playing with my food.

Tesia said...

I didn't know you could peel them like that with water. That's cool. Mike just had a doc visit and apparently his liver enzymes are worse. So as well as being sent to a gastrowhatever specialist, he and are going to be hitting the fruits hard. I'll have to try this, thanks!