Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Happy Birthday Cameron!

I'm a few days late on this, but on his actual birthday, we were doing, well, birthday stuff.

Cameron turned eleven last Saturday. Eleven...eleven!

We had a really fun day - Troy was home and we spent the whole day together. As usual, I tried to show my love through food, waking Cameron up to German pancakes. My side of the family was coming over for dinner and Cameron had requested a dinner of spaghetti with meat sauce (no onions or mushrooms) and garlic bread (with no cheese), and key lime pie for dessert. I spent a good part of the day preparing the meal and doing some cleaning, and generally hugging him whenever he walked by.

Cameron got everything he wished for, including the funds (thanks Grandma and Grandpa and Great-Grandma) to purchase a computer game he wanted. While Troy did the shopping, installing of the game and cleanup from the party, I snuck away to go see the movie Juno with a friend.

I had wanted to write about the emotions that this movie stirred up inside me and how it all related to Cameron's birthday, his amazing adoption and my feelings about his birthmom. But when I start to write, the words don't seem adequate. My language just isn't enough to explain everything about my boy, his birthmom, and her gift that made me a mother.

He is my heart.
She is too.

I don't want to be tearful and emotional as I write to celebrate Cameron's birthday. I want to be funny and joyous over this sweet kid that I absolutely adore. I want to tell you about all his remarkable qualities and characteristics, and how he makes me laugh, his easy-going attitude and everything I love about him.

The other stuff, the fact that the happiest day of my life was his birthmom's hardest day, is just too emotional for words - even eleven years later. Maybe I can write about it someday. Maybe not.

So today I'm just going to share a few pix. That's the beauty of blogging - you don't have to wait for someone to ask to see a picture of your kids - you can just throw 'em out there.

I don't have any pictures of Cameron on his actual birthday.
Our story starts on his Gotcha Day. He was one day old.

This was taken just moments after Cameron was laid in my arms. Don't look at my hair - just don't even look at it. (Seriously, what the heck???) Instead, look at that beautiful, perfect baby boy. Red lips, slicked hair, tiny curled up little body, wrapped in a blanket made by his birthmom's sister.

He was my dream come true.

Back at home, we spent the rest of the day receiving visitors and talking on the phone.

"He's here...he's ours..."

There was a brief period in Cameron's life when he had a little body fat.

That was then...

This is now...

This is one of my all-time favorite pictures of Cameron. The hair...those lips...

That was then...
This is now...

Oh, those lips!

That was then...

This is now...

I guess some things don't change.

Happy Birthday, Cameron!!

I love you. You make me happy every single day.

I'm so grateful that you are mine and I am yours.

Come and gimme a hug.


It"s me said...

I love his curly hair. You look so cute in his baby pic's! HAPPY BIRHTDAY Cameron!!!

Unknown said...

Cameron is such a cute boy!! I just love him! I'm glad I got the chance to get to know him last year!!

P.S. Did you love Juno? I have to know!

dishes and laundry said...

Loved Juno. It's been on my mind ever since I saw it. I think I acted out the whole movie for Troy. Made me think about our birthmoms ALOT.

Elise said...

Happy Birthday, Cameron!

Amber said...

Your hair is GREAT! You seriously look 15 in that picture! It sounds like you and Cameron are really lucky to have each other.

Suz Q Free Tibet said...

What a great tribute! You are a amazing mom. Happy Birthday Cam!

dalene said...

Happy Birthday (late!). Thanks for sharing more of your story.

Unknown said...

Oh my! He really did look just like Anthony! LOL! Thanks for sharing your story. I'm an adoptee and am so grateful for wonderful people who are willing to be loving parents!

Troy said...

I am going to add my thoughts as well. I am the luckiest Dad in the world. I am truly blessed with this wonderful boy and his awesome personality. He has brought me so much joy and happiness. My family is what keeps my going each and everyday. Happy B-day Cameron.
I Love You with all my heart.

Brandi said...

I loved this post! We saw Juno, too! I totally loved it! The music, the actors (especially Juno), everything.

Does Cameron read your blog? I hope he has read this. I'm sure it would make him feel so important and lucky.

Angi said...

Wendy, you are one of the reasons I have a testimony of adoption. Your willingness to share and give back to the birthfamilies. And to love the boys the way you do.


We love our adoptive families more than they will ever know.
And you are loved more than you will ever know. Thank you for telling the world how wonderful adoption is.

We love ya Cam!! Happy Birthday Big Guy.

Unknown said...

I LOVE your hair!!! That is great stuff.

dishes and laundry said...

Yes, Cameron reads the blog. He liked the picture of him playing on the computer when he was a baby.

Thanks for all your good wishes!