Monday, January 7, 2008

Resolution Update and a Very Cool Thing

The nightly scripture reading is going well - really well. Cameron, the doubter that we would even do it, has sort of taken charge and divides up the number of verses that we are each going to read each night. It's not perfect - Oliver plays on the floor and whoever isn't reading tends to watch the puppy antics instead of paying attention, myself included. But we are doing it.

A friend suggested that I get the scriptures on cd and then listen to it while everyone follows along in their own book. I want to try that. Cameron is a whiz at reading, but the comprehension can be difficult. I think it would be easier to pay attention to the story if he weren't concentrating on reading it aloud.

I really wanted to try doing this with the actual scriptures instead of the easier books - but we may go back to those if it seems that we are just reading words and not getting much out of it. Cameron did say that he missed the pictures of people getting stabbed.

I'm still committed to doing this, the boys are willing and eager they haven't complained, so I'm pretty happy. I want to get a chart that we can mark off the chapters that we've read - keep us motivated.

The one time I had any resistance to reading came last Friday night - and it was from Troy! Come on! He and Cameron were on the computer and Aaron and I were watching tv when 9pm rolled around. I announced that it was time for scriptures. Cameron started to close up his game, Aaron turned the tv off, and Troy said,

"But I thought you were only going to do it Monday - Thursday. That's what you said on your blog."

Well, I guess I did write that. Silly me.

The eyes have a unique capability - they can say so much just by an intense stare and the occasional raising of a brow. That night, my eyes explained to Troy that even though I did write that we were probably going to read just 4-5 days a week, it did not mean that we couldn't read an extra night - particularly on the rare occasion that he was home. My eyes also threw in a comment about wanting him to be a part of this and appreciating his support.

Troy understands my eyes and we got to read scriptures as a family that night.

One day at a time.


On a side note, Raimee suggested the website for a daily email with the scriptures of your choice. This Is. Cool.

After two other friends told me that they had joined (it's free!) and would be reaping the blessings, I checked it out and joined for myself.

The site offers the Old and New Testaments, the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price. It also has a seminary schedule and a gospel doctrine section. You can choose to receive a chapter a day or you can customize it to get any number of verses. You can make notes, highlight passages, keep a journal, and with a click of a button, they'll send you another chapter. It keeps track of your progress with a little percentage bar and lets you know if you fall behind - though it won't send a new email until you click the "completed" button on the current one. That way, you won't have a buildup of emails if you miss a few days. It sends a little motivational/feel good quote after you're done reading. You can also click on audio and just listen to your scriptures. I may do that with the boys - gather around the computer for scripture reading.

It's scripture reading gone high tech.

I recommend checking it out. Thanks Raimee!

What other parts of your life do you take care of on the computer? Will scripture reading be one?


Unknown said...

Cameron misses pictures of people getting stabbed! Classic, such a boy comment!

Unknown said...

I don't read the scriptures on line...I probably should, though. There's just something about holding the book in my hands that is comforting to me!!

I do pay as many bills online as I can. I love that about computers!

dishes and laundry said...

I agree - it's not the serene setting like curling up by a fire and feeling the pages of the book. But so far, I doing good!