Monday, March 17, 2008

Movie Quote Monday

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Say this quote with an Irish accent (actually, do Irish, Scottish, Irish, Scottish, Irish), and then join in.

"Stephen is my name. I'm the most wanted man on my island. Except I'm not on my island, of course. More's the pity."

"Your island? You mean Ireland."

"Yeah. It's MINE."

"You're a madman."

"I've come to the right place then."



Christy said...

You quote is from Braveheart. (I had to cheat because I haven't seen that movie)

Here is mine:

We have a piper down, I repeat, a piper is down!

Angi said...

Christy's is: So I married an axe murderer.

Here's mine:

But, dad!

Did you just call me, BUTT DAD?

Mrs. J said...

I can't figure out Angi's, maybe another hint?

Here is another one to play

Here is your final lesson - do not commit the crime for which you now serve the sentence. God said, "Vengeance is mine".

I don't believe in God.

It doesn't matter. He believes in you.

another quote from the same movie-

I swear on my dead relatives - and even on the ones who are not feeling too good - I am your man forever!

dishes and laundry said...

I've got them both: Angi's is Jack Frost - saw it for the first time this past winter.

Mrs. J.: The Count of Monte Cristo with Jim Caviezel...YUM.

Here's mine:

"I don't want any of this lover's lament crap. I want something peppy, something happy, something up-tempo. I want something snappy."

Christy said...

That Thing You Do! I love that movie.

Here is mine:

If Brooke Shields married Groucho Marx that child would have your eyebrows.

dishes and laundry said...

The Princess Diaries - had to cheat. Dang.
Thanks for playing and have a great night!