Tuesday, July 29, 2008


So here's the cabbage that's ready to harvest. Some of the outer leaves are a little bug-eaten, but overall the head looks beautiful.

Except here. Did something get inside? When I pulled a leaf aside, an evil little earwig skittered away.

Lifting another leaf, I found this bad boy. What the heck! Leave my garden alone!!!!

So Cam and Ollie came out to help. Ollie thinks we're harvesting a ball for him to play with.

It rolls away, and it looks exactly like any head of cabbage that I've ever bought. Whew!

And yes, I do see that other snail up in the right hand corner.

I took it inside and called my Mom.

"I harvested a cabbage!" I shrieked, with the same enthusiasm that is usually reserved for the announcement of engagements and pregnancies. "A cabbage!"

Mom was impressed.

I washed my cabbage in the sink, pulling back the first leaf to reveal a tiny earwig. But only one. I pulled a few more leaves and everything looked fine.

I'll admit, that while I was thrilled with my cabbage, I was also a little freaked out at the thought of eating it. I set it on the counter to see if any more bugs would make their way out.

I waited. Nothing.

Here goes. Oh, golly, I'm hoping that a million earwigs don't spill out onto my counter. If they do, I might torch my whole garden.

It's perfect!

Both halves are perfect!!!

Pardon me while I revel in my little agricultural miracle.

Now what? Thinkthinkthink.

I grabbed a few green onions from the garden...

Chop, mix, toast (almonds), crush and stir.


Cabbage and Ramen Salad!

Very tasty.


Brandi said...

I sure am impressed! We're trying square foot gardening this year, too. So far so good. We'll see!

Angi said...

Here's the FANKHAUSER cabbage salad recipe,
3 cups cabbage shredded
1 tsp oil
1 tbsp lemon juice or squeeze 1 fresh lemon
1 1/2 tsp vege sal
1 bunch of scallions chopped
put in bowl mix

We lost two good soldiers of cabbage to the fence meister burger meister.

Glad yours are doing so well.

pinklady said...

I am SO impressed with your gardening skills! that is one of the most beautiful heads of cabbage I've ever seen.

if only I had a plot of land to call my own, maybe I could be like you. oh well, I'll pretend I can taste that yummy salad and continue to live vicariously through you!


dishes and laundry said...

Brandi - get some pix up of your garden! I want to see what you've planted.

Angi - I remember you growing cabbages at your old house. They've been so much fun I'll for sure grow them again.

Pink!! How're you doing? I'll eat some more of that salad in your honor.

stressedkris said...

Wow I am so incredibly impressed. Bike riding and cabbage. You are wonder woman!!!

It"s me said...

Wow! That is so cool! I wish I had a garden! I tried growing things out of pots and one hot day I brought my stuff inside and my bunny ate everything that had started growing....

dishes and laundry said...

Stressedkris...maybe it's the cabbage that provides the gas for the biking hehehe

it's me...your bunny and Ollie have the same taste for fresh garden veggies!

Rich and Nichole said...

Way to go! I looks great!

KCK said...

I'm so impressed with the garden! We looked up the website for suare foot gardening and I think Paul's willing to try it with me next year--when I'm an RN and just working, not going to school!

dalene said...

I'm hungry...

Nora Mair said...

Are you ever going to come back and blog? I loved reading your posts on you kids and your hubby and your hobbies? Nothing too strenuous...maybe once a week?

No that sounds mean...what I meant to say is I miss you. Hope you're doing well.